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You are here: Home / Expertise Search / VanZant, Christin
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Project ECMAScript program Freshwaters Illustrated Video Series
Section 6 project with TWRA
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Project Sequatchie Caddisfly & Royal Snail Popln Monitoring & Management Plan for Sesuatchie Natural Area - Marion CO TN
Quantitative caddisfly monitoring, and qualitative royal snail monitoring
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Project Spring Pygmy Sunfish Monitoring
Presence/absence surveys in all known locations and in similar habitats in adjacent watersheds
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Project Youth Environmental Eduation
Kids in the Creek, Migration Celebration, Macon Co. Youth Conservation Field Day, Earth Day Celebration, and others
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Project Lake Sturgeon Restoration in Upper French Broad River
This is an extension of the effort to reintroduce Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) to the Tennessee River system. Lake sturgeon are reared in hatcheries in Georgia and North Carolina from eggs and milt collected from Wisconsin. Those fish are stocked in the French Broad River north of Asheville, NC. The objective is to establish a self-sustaining population in the French Broad river upstream from Douglas Dam.
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Project reStructured Text Guided Snorkel Tours in the Cherokee National Forest
Guided snorkeling programs demonstrate your commitment to managing the land and water in your care while highlighting a fun, safe activity in a clear, cool stream. You can help get people outside, unplugged, and immersed, teaching people of all ages about the wonderful wildlife that lives just beneath the surface of their local waterways.
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Project Unidata NetCDF document Land Conservation in the Upper Little Tennessee River Basin (GA & NC)
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Project Shade your Stream
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Project Alligator Snapping Turtle Surveys and Genetics - Lower TN and MS River
Dr. Josh Ennen, Aquatic Conservation Biologist, TN Aquarium Conservation Institute
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Project ULAW (Sun) audio Salamanders of the Cumberland Plateau
Understanding the impacts of climate change on salamander interactions with other salamander species and fishes
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