Introduction to Climate Change Adaptation
o Addresses impacts of climate change on people and ecosystems
o Focus in preparing for and coping with impacts
Located in
Adaptation Working Folder
NCTC Webinar
Climate Change Response Framework
Located in
Adaptation Working Folder
Precipitation and Temperature Data
Climate Wizard: Users may access leading climate change information and visualize the impacts anywhere on Earth.
Located in
Management Tools: Climate Modeling
Climate Variables
State Inventory and Projection Tool
An interactive spreadsheet model designed to help states develop GHG emissions inventories.
Located in
Adaptation Working Folder
Management Tools: Landscape-level Modeling
Adaptation Database and Planning Tool (ADAPT)
ADAPT walks you through the process of assessing your vulnerabilities, setting resiliency goals, and developing plans that integrate into existing hazard and comprehensive planning efforts.
Located in
Adaptation Working Folder
Management Tools: Landscape-level Modeling
Conservation in a Rapidly Changing Climate
Starting Minute (51:00)
- Browse the various models for to look for the trends in your area
Located in
Management Tools: Climate Modeling
NCTC Webinars
Modeling Potential Range Shifts Under a Changing Climate: A Case Study
Located in
Management Tools: Climate Modeling
NCTC Webinars
Prediction Maps from Climate Envelope Models: What can they tell us?
Located in
Management Tools: Climate Modeling
NCTC Webinars
Climate change and landscape connectivity: developing spatially explicit restoration and mitigation strategies
Located in
Adaptation Working Folder
Management Tools: Landscape-level Modeling
Ensemble Modeling of Climate Change Impacts to Species and Landscapes
- (Minute 13:20) No one best model, ensemble modeling performs the best
- (Minute 19:30) Quick summary of how downscaling works
Located in
Management Tools: Climate Modeling
NCTC Webinars