list of aquatic and riparian systems resources
Links to systems prioritizations, classifications, research, and centers of expertise.
Located in
LP Members
assessments, data, expertise
meeting description - PAFO
draft language to be sent to invitees to the meeting in State College, PA
Located in
LP Members
meeting materials - PAFO
potential invitees master list
names, affiliations, and expertise of prospects for the LCD consultations and in-person meeting
Located in
LP Members
Partner lists
master list (for LCD and workshop)
list of initiatives, principally in PA
landscape prioritization, data assemblies and similar projects - a list with links
Located in
LP Members
existing initiatives - PA
list and links re. ongoing initiatives in the region
Chesapeake Conservancy data resources and tools
webinar notes on decision support tools, data resources, and outreach plans of Chesapeake Conservancy
Located in
LP Members
existing initiatives - PA
Chesapeake Conservancy