Marsha, Amy
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USGS Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center
Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center (GECSC) researchers conduct multi-purpose geologic mapping and topical scientific studies to address issues concerning geologic, climatic, ecosystem, and land surface changes; human interactions with the environment; and physical, chemical, and biological characterization of the Earth's surface and upper crust.
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Menick, Casey
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Northwest FL Prescribed Burn Association
The Northwest Florida Prescribed Burn Association (NWFPBA) is a non-profit organization consisting of private landowners and other conservation-minded individuals interested in getting more prescribed fire on the landscape.
The Northwest Florida PBA brings together knowledge, experience, and resources to put good prescribed fire on more private lands throughout the area. The region covered by this PBA is from Madison County to Escambia County in Northwest Florida.
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Allen, Rod
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Candler, Rick
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English, Chambers
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Fact Sheet: Assessing Future Energy
Assessing Future Energy Development Across the Appalachian Region
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Assessing Future Energy Development
OpenLayers is a front-end UI library for creating web-based spatial apps using javascript. It supports a variety of layer sources and backends. For example, map tiles can be pulled from GoogleMaps or from a custom tile source. The advantage this brings is that it enables developers to reuse elements such as tile sources, and focus instead on the more unique aspects of their application such as the “business logic”. Default components such as tile sources can easily be swapped out at a later time. It supports bitmap and vector layers, including points, lines and polygons. One of its most widely used features is the ability to overlay data layers on top of base maps.
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Extensions and Other Tools