Ombalski, Katie
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Ontl, Todd
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OpenLayers is a front-end UI library for creating web-based spatial apps using javascript. It supports a variety of layer sources and backends. For example, map tiles can be pulled from GoogleMaps or from a custom tile source. The advantage this brings is that it enables developers to reuse elements such as tile sources, and focus instead on the more unique aspects of their application such as the “business logic”. Default components such as tile sources can easily be swapped out at a later time. It supports bitmap and vector layers, including points, lines and polygons. One of its most widely used features is the ability to overlay data layers on top of base maps.
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Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership
Oregon State University
Oregon State is an international public research university that draws people from all 50 states and more than 100 countries. We go wherever the challenges are, push ourselves to the very edge of what’s known and keep going. We are determined to forge solutions. We are diverse and welcoming. We embrace our responsibility to Oregon and the world, building a future that’s smarter, healthier, more prosperous and more just. We see what could be and have worked relentlessly for 150 years to make it so.
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Osier, Marina
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Ostoforoff, Sarah
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Outcomes from NRCS Golden-winged Warbler Conservation Efforts
Over the past decade, NRCS has been working with landowners and partners to improve forest health and provide young forest habitat for golden-winged warblers and associated early successional wildlife species. These efforts have been carried out under the banner of Working Lands for Wildlife in Appalachia and through a Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Since 2012, the CEAP Wildlife Component has supported outcome-based assessments of this work in partnership with the Indiana University of Pennsylvania Research Institute (IUPRI), American Bird Conservancy, Cornell University and many others. In response to interest by NRCS state and local personnel involved in golden-winged warbler conservation work, CEAP Wildlife provided a briefing via teleconference on what has been learned through the years of monitoring and provided perspective on science-based program delivery. In this briefing, Dr. Jeff Larkin of IUPRI highlighted key findings and outcomes generated from these efforts.
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Overstreet, Hans
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