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Organization D source code MNNIT Allahabad
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj (MNNIT) is an Institute with total commitment to quality and excellence in academic pursuits. It was established as one of the seventeen Regional Engineering Colleges of India in the year 1961 as a joint enterprise of Government of India and Government of Uttar Pradesh, and was an associated college of University of Allahabad, which is the third oldest university in India. For a short duration of two years (2000-2002), the Institute was affiliated to U.P. Technical University. With over 45 years of experience and achievements in the field of technical education, having traversed a long way, on June 26, 2002 MNREC was transformed into National Institute of Technology and Deemed University fully funded by Government of India. With the enactment of National Institutes of Technology Act-2007(29 to 2007), the Institute has been granted the status of institution of national importance w.e.f. 15.08.2007.
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Organization Groton Land Company
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Organization C source code Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) envisions a Delaware that offers a healthy environment where people embrace a commitment to the protection, enhancement and enjoyment of the environment in their daily lives; where Delawareans’ stewardship of natural resources ensures the sustainability of these resources for the appreciation and enjoyment of future generations; and where people recognize that a healthy environment and a strong economy support one another.
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Organization Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks
The Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks (KDWP) is a cabinet-level agency with a Secretary appointed by the Governor. A seven-member, bipartisan commission, also appointed by the Governor, advises the Secretary and approves regulations governing outdoor recreation and fish and wildlife resources in Kansas. The commission conducts business during regular public sessions. KDWP employs approximately 460 full-time employees in seven divisions: Executive Services, Administrative Services, Fisheries, Wildlife, Public Lands, Law Enforcement, Parks.
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Organization chemical/x-pdb Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Mission To manage and conserve the natural and cultural resources of Texas and to provide hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation opportunities for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. Philosophy In fulfilling our mission, we will: Be a recognized national leader in implementing effective natural resources conservation and outdoor recreational programs; Serve the state of Texas, its citizens, and our employees with the highest standards of service, professionalism, fairness, courtesy, and respect; Rely on the best available science to guide our conservation decisions; Responsibly manage agency finances and appropriations to ensure the most efficient and effective use of tax-payer and user fee resources; Attract and retain the best, brightest, and most talented workforce to successfully execute our mission.
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Organization Pascal source code Spatial Informatics Group
Founded in 1998, Spatial Informatics Group, LLC (SIG) is a group of applied thinkers with expertise in environmental fields ranging from landscape ecology, wildlife ecology, transportation modeling, ecosystem services valuation, natural hazards, and forestry to natural resource economics. Our group combines spatial analytics with ecological, social and economic sciences to understand the effects of management and policy choices on the short and long-term stability of ecosystems. We translate data into knowledge that can be used to inform decisions. SIG can work at all levels of a project. Depending on a client’s needs, SIG can perform discrete tasks, or manage the whole project. We work with clients to answer simple to complex monitoring and research questions using a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach supported by advanced analysis techniques. We have a demonstrated track record of delivering high-quality products within client driven timetables.
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Organization Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture
The Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture (OPJV) is a regional, self-directed partnership of government and non-governmental organizations and individuals working across administrative boundaries to deliver landscape-level planning and science-based conservation, linking on-the-ground management with national bird population goals. The OPJV activities focus on a broad spectrum of bird conservation activities including biological planning, conservation design, conducting “on-the-ground” conservation delivery projects, organizing outreach, research, and monitoring, creating decision support tools, and raising money for these activities through partner contributions and grants within the Oaks and Prairies Bird Conservation Region (BCR) and the Edwards Plateau BCR.
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Organization Georgia Wildlife Federation
In 1936, the objective of the Georgia Wildlife Federation was established, and it is the same today as it was over 80 years ago: To encourage the intelligent management of the life sustaining resources of the earth – its essential water resources – its protective forests and plant life – and its dependent wildlife – and to promote and encourage the knowledge and appreciation of these resources, their interrelationship and wise use, without which there can be little hope for a continuing abundant life.
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Organization ECMAScript program Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is responsible for managing and protecting Louisiana’s abundant natural resources. Mission Statement To manage, conserve, and promote wise utilization of Louisiana’s renewable fish and wildlife resources and their supporting habitats through replenishment, protection, enhancement, research, development, and education for the social and economic benefit of current and future generations. To provide opportunities for and to encourage the use and enjoyment of these resources in a safe and healthy environment both on land and on water.
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Organization Unidata NetCDF document Georgia Wildlife Services, Inc
Every day, the Wildlife Services (WS) program in Georgia helps citizens, organizations, industries, and Government agencies resolve conflicts with wildlife to protect agriculture, property, and natural resources, and to safeguard human health and safety.
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