Meet the Steering Committee Members
The Steering Committee currently consists of representatives from federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), a representative for the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, and the Chairs or appointed representatives of regional partnerships such as Joint Ventures and Fish Habitat Partnerships.
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Our Plan
AppLCC Spring Newsletter 2013
The Spring Newsletter details the decisions and collaborative efforts that took place at the Appalachian LCC Steering Committee Meeting & Workshop, the review and revision of the Science Needs Portfolio, the assembling of vital datasets to help conservation planning efforts, and more.
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Publications & Outreach
Fact Sheet: Science Investments
Our work and achievements in 2016 and 2017 built upon the collaborative scientific foundation
established in our earlier years, while continuing towards a vision of maintaining a landscape
that supports the special biological and cultural resources of the Appalachians. It’s helpful to reflect
on the systematic advances made by our regional partnership in terms of its actions, decisions, and
our investments—both in terms of the science but also in terms of strengthening the partnership
through investment in shared resources.
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Publications & Outreach
Fact Sheets
Fact Sheet: The Web Portal
APPLCC WEB PORTAL OVERVIEW: Empowering Partners to Deliver Conservation and Connect Landscapes
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Publications & Outreach
Fact Sheets
Fact Sheet: AppLCC Overview
Today a range of monumental conservation challenges confronts the Appalachians. This includes the loss and fragmentation of natural habitats; disruptions in natural disturbance regimes; and expanding major land-use changes that are occurring on a grand scale. Climate change will further exacerbate these challenges. The magnitude of these landscape-level changes requires a shift from traditional local and single-species conservation approaches toward a more comprehensive scale to protect species, habitats, and ecosystems. The Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) serves as a catalyst for conservation collaboration by providing the tools, products, and data, resource managers and partners need to address the environmental threats that are beyond the scope of any one agency.
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Publications & Outreach
Fact Sheets
Stream Classification System for the Appalachian LCC
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Funded Projects
Cave and Karst Data Access
The cave and karst dataset from this research is available through our Conservation Planning Atlas.
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Funded Projects
Classification and Mapping of Cave and Karst Resources
Predicting the Occurrence of Cave-Inhabiting Fauna Based on Features of the Earth Surface Environment
Final Report
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Funded Projects
Classification and Mapping of Cave and Karst Resources
Assessing Vulnerability of Species and Habitats to Large-scale Impacts: CCVA
New vulnerability assessments for 41 species and 3 habitats in the Appalachians are now available. The conservation community can view and search each of these assessments by relative raking or vulnerability scores, conservation status ranks, state and subregion of assessment, and higher taxonomy. In addition, principle investigators NaturServe compiled the results of 700 species assessments previously completed by other researchers as well as assessments on several habitats.
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Funded Projects
Phase I: Alternatives for Vulnerability Assessments: Expert Panel Findings
How should the Appalachian LCC acquire information about species and habitat vulnerability to large-scale impacts in the Appalachians? This report summarizes the findings and recommendations of a seven-member Expert Panel that sought to answer this question identified as a major research priority. The Panel addressed three aspects of the question: the selection of species and habitats to assess, approaches to vulnerability assessment, and the availability of downscaled climate data.
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Funded Projects
Assessing Vulnerability of Species and Habitats to Large-scale Impacts