Tennessee River Basin Conservation Action Map
The Network is now identifying data resources and other information derived from these activities and, when possible, providing access to these resources via the Conservation Action Map and Network portal. Members will continue to be able to enter additional projects to the Conservation Map and tag new resources produced from their efforts.
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Interactive Conservation Planning for the Appalachian LCC: Appalachian NatureScape
Natural Resources Fellowship
Report Card to Assess Current Conditions, Ecological Health of Natural Resources in Tennessee River Basin
The Appalachian LCC is supporting researchers from the University of Maryland in developing an assessment of ecological health, or a “Report Card”, for the Tennessee River Basin.
Located in
Interactive Conservation Planning for the Appalachian LCC: Appalachian NatureScape
Natural Resources Fellowship
Ecosystem Benefits and Risks Webportal
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Funded Projects
Ecosystem Services Benefits and Risks
LanDAT Map Viewer
The LanDAT Map Viewer gives users the ability to explore data layers and interact with information updated on a regular basis to reach informed decisions regarding landscape dynamics.
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Funded Projects
Ecosystem Services Benefits and Risks
Background Material Ecosystem Services Benefits and Risks
AppLCC Funded Research
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Funded Projects
Ecosystem Services Benefits and Risks
Fact Sheet: Ecosystem Benefits and Risks
Fact Sheet: Ecosystem Benefits and Risks
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Funded Projects
Ecosystem Services Benefits and Risks
Integrating Cultural Resource Preservation at a Landscape Level
A collaborative research project sponsored by the National Park Service and the Appalachian LCC seeks to integrate cultural resources, such as historic bridges and Civil War Battlefields, into landscape conservation planning and design to emphasize both natural and cultural resources in defining conservation priorities.
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Funded Projects
Identifying the Valued Ordinary, as a Step toward Scenic Landscape Conservation. Visual Resource Stewardship Conference Landscape and Seascape Management in a Time of Change.
The Georgia Scenic Byways program (GDOT, 2017) is a “grassroots effort … to identify,
preserve, promote and protect treasured corridors throughout the state.” There are fifteen such
corridors designated by Georgia DOT, their only protection is a restriction on roadside
billboards. Despite frequent avocation of the beauties of Georgia highways, there is no
systematic articulation of the physical attributes of a scenic landscape, how such attributes would
be identified and thus protected, nor the expertise or resources to devote to new
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Funded Projects
Integrating Cultural Resource Preservation at a Landscape Level
Forum Area
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Burke, Thomas
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Expertise Search