Amazing Creatures in Longleaf Pine Flatwoods and Sandhills
A wide diversity of remarkable animals calls longleaf pine flatwoods and sandhills habitats home.
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American Geosciences Institute
The American Geosciences Institute represents and serves the geoscience community by providing collaborative leadership and information to connect Earth, science, and people.
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AmeriCorps members and AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers serve directly with nonprofit organizations to tackle our nation’s most pressing challenges.
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Amphibian and Reptile Conservancy
ARC saves herps through a strategic, scientific, and passionate approach that allows us to make a real difference. We implement localized, regional, species-based PARCAs (Priority Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Areas) and weave them together across the country into a national strategy capable of making great impact. We practice Transformative Science with the urgency required to save those species and ecosystems at greatest risk.
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ANCHOR Fact Sheet (Español)
ANCHOR Fact Sheet Español. ANCHOR es un nuevo enfoque de conservación que construye redes de área para conectar el hábitat y optimizar la resiliencia. El enfoque orienta las inversiones en ubicaciones estratégicas de “anclaje” para conectar las poblaciones de vida silvestre, mejorar la resiliencia del paisaje y fortalecer las economías rurales.
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ANCHOR: An Opportunity to Change Landscape Connectivity Networks and Conservation Delivery At-Scale in the U.S.
Abstract: Connectivity modeling has been a tool available to the conservation community
since the 1980s that guides our responses to habitat fragmentation. While the sophistication
of computer modeling continues to grow, on-the-ground delivery remains challenging and
lacks urgency. We present an approach to scale up delivery and do so within effective
timeframes. The approach, termed ANCHOR (Areawide Networks to Connect Habitat and
Optimize Resiliency), is grounded in connectivity science but executed in a manner that
is flexible, expandable, and measurable. ANCHOR goes beyond the traditional protected
area focus for establishing connected biomes to maximize the contributions of existing
public lands and expand private landowner participation. The approach is applied using
an umbrella species to represent a faunal group and/or multiple taxa to deliver co-benefits
of landscape connectivity. Public lands receive connectivity rankings that are then used to
engage potential connectivity partners who commit land units and collectively monitor
improvements in habitat quality and landscape resiliency. The ANCHOR approach can
guide unprecedented participation across agencies and departments to create public lands
networks, while private and corporate lands establish landscape connections. To illustrate
the approach, we present an example of native grasslands conservation in the central and
eastern U.S. and an emerging partnership with the Department of Defense.
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Andrews, Alanna
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Angus, Scott
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Anne, Rose
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