Ezzell, Melvin
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Ezzi, Cassidy
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F&W Forestry Services, Inc.
F&W is committed to helping landowners get the most from their timberland by offering customized forest management solutions tailored to your specific needs. Through our participation in academic and professional forestry cooperatives, we have access to the latest innovative research and technology. Together, we help you realize the benefits of your timberland today while conserving the resource for future generations.
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Fact Sheet: AppLCC Overview
Today a range of monumental conservation challenges confronts the Appalachians. This includes the loss and fragmentation of natural habitats; disruptions in natural disturbance regimes; and expanding major land-use changes that are occurring on a grand scale. Climate change will further exacerbate these challenges. The magnitude of these landscape-level changes requires a shift from traditional local and single-species conservation approaches toward a more comprehensive scale to protect species, habitats, and ecosystems. The Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) serves as a catalyst for conservation collaboration by providing the tools, products, and data, resource managers and partners need to address the environmental threats that are beyond the scope of any one agency.
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Publications & Outreach
Fact Sheets
Fact Sheet: Assessing Future Energy
Assessing Future Energy Development Across the Appalachian Region
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Tools & Resources
Assessing Future Energy Development
Fact Sheet: Ecosystem Benefits and Risks
Fact Sheet: Ecosystem Benefits and Risks
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Funded Projects
Ecosystem Services Benefits and Risks
Fact Sheet: Science Investments
Our work and achievements in 2016 and 2017 built upon the collaborative scientific foundation
established in our earlier years, while continuing towards a vision of maintaining a landscape
that supports the special biological and cultural resources of the Appalachians. It’s helpful to reflect
on the systematic advances made by our regional partnership in terms of its actions, decisions, and
our investments—both in terms of the science but also in terms of strengthening the partnership
through investment in shared resources.
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Publications & Outreach
Fact Sheets
Fact Sheet: The Web Portal
APPLCC WEB PORTAL OVERVIEW: Empowering Partners to Deliver Conservation and Connect Landscapes
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Publications & Outreach
Fact Sheets
Fagen, Cole
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Fair, Jack
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