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File PDF document Elderkin et al 2007.pdf
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File Elevated Eocene Atmospheric CO2 and Its Subsequent Decline
Closing paragraph: Estimates of early Eocene atmospheric CO2 from Green River sodium carbonates are in the same range as those predicted by geochemical models (7). By È20 Ma, all available data (8) suggest ECO2^atm was at or near modern concentrations.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Elevation-dependent influence of snow accumulation on forest greening
Rising temperatures and declining water availability have influenced the ecological function of mountain forests over the past half-century. For instance, warming in spring and summer and shifts towards earlier snowmelt are associated with an increase in wildfire activity and tree mortality in mountain forests in the western United States (1,2). Temperature increases are expected to continue during the twenty-first century in mountain ecosystems across the globe (3,4), with uncertain consequences. Here, we examine the influence of interannual variations in snowpack accumulation on forest greenness in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California, between 1982 and 2006. Using observational records of snow accumulation and satellite data on vegetation greenness we show that vegetation greenness increases with snow accumulation. Indeed, we show that variations in maximum snow accumulation explain over 50% of the interannual variability in peak forest greenness across the Sierra Nevada region. The extent to which snow accumulation can explain variations in greenness varies with elevation, reaching a maximum in the water-limited mid- elevations, between 2,000 and 2,600 m. In situ measurements of carbon uptake and snow accumulation along an elevational transect in the region confirm the elevation dependence of this relationship. We suggest that mid-elevation mountain forest ecosystems could prove particularly sensitive to future increases in temperature and concurrent changes in snow accumulation and melt.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
Person Elliott, Gregg
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File PDF document Ellis 1936.pdf
Located in Resources / TRB Library / EDD-FIK
File PDF document Ellis Ellis 1926.pdf
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File PDF document Ellis et al 1931.pdf
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File PDF document Ellis Keim 1918.pdf
Located in Resources / TRB Library / EDD-FIK
Person Elowe, Ken
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File PDF document Emergence of a mid-season period of low floral resources in a montane meadow ecosystem associated with climate change
Summary. 1. Shifts in the spatial and temporal patterns of flowering could affect the resources available to pollinators, and such shifts might become more common as climate change progresses. 2. As mid-summer temperatures have warmed,we found that a montane meadow ecosystem in the southern Rocky Mountains of the United States exhibits a trend toward a bimodal distribution of flower abundance, characterized by a mid-season reduction in total flower number, instead of a broad, unimodal flowering peak lasting most of the summer season. 3. We examined the shapes of community-level flowering curves in this system and found that the typical unimodal peak results from a pattern of complementary peaks in flowering among three distinct meadow types (dry, mesic and wet) within the larger ecosystem. However, high mid-summer temperatures were associated with divergent shifts in the flowering curves of these individual meadow types. Specifically, warmer summers appeared to cause increasing bimodality in mesic habitats, and a longer interval between early and late flowering peaks in wet and dry habitats. 4. Together, these habitat-specific shifts produced a longer mid-season valley in floral abundance across the larger ecosystem in warmer years. Because of these warming-induced changes in flowering patterns, and the significant increase in summer temperatures in our study area, there has been a trend toward non-normality of flowering curves over the period 1974–2009. This trend reflects increasing bimodality in total community-wide flowering. 5. The resulting longer periods of low flowering abundance in the middle of the summer season could negatively affect pollinators that are active throughout the season, and shifts in flowering peaks within habitats might create mismatches between floral resources and demand by pollinators with limited foraging ranges. 6. Synthesis. Early-season climate conditions are getting warmer and drier in the high altitudes of the southern Rocky Mountains. We present evidence that this climate change is disrupting flowering phenology within and among different moisture habitats in a sub-alpine meadow ecosystem, causing a mid-season decline in floral resources that might negatively affect mutualists, especially pollinators. Our findings suggest that climate change can have complex effects on phenology at small spatial scales, depending on patch-level habitat differences.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents