Connect with Nature!
One of the world’s most popular nature apps, iNaturalist helps you identify the plants and animals around you. Get connected with a community of over a million scientists and naturalists who can help you learn more about nature! What’s more, by recording and sharing your observations, you’ll create research quality data for scientists working to better understand and protect nature. iNaturalist is a joint initiative by the California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society.
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Mobile Apps
Incomplete Ahlstedt McDonough 1993.pdf
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TRB Library
INCOMPLETEAldridge Unionids.pdf
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INCOMPLETEAlimov Shadrin Year Unnoted.pdf
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TRB Library
Incorporating the Benefits of Natural and Working Lands in Conservation Planning
Katie Warnell, Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at Duke University, gave this seminar March 22, 2022, as part of our Spring virtual science seminar series highlighting SE CASC funded projects supporting resource management actions across the Southeast.
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Learning & Tech Transfer
Webinars & Videos
Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry
Your state forests are managed under the policy of multiple use in order to obtain benefits from recreation, timber production and watershed protection.
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LP Members
Organizations Search
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Since its founding in 1875, Indiana University of Pennsylvania has progressed and evolved to match the changing needs of those it serves.
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LP Members
Organizations Search
Information on the AppLCC Fellowships
The Fellowship offers a unique opportunity for new-entry professionals to be part of the emerging and exciting field of Landscape Conservation. This is a post-graduate level training opportunity with career interests in applied landscape conservation science and resource management.
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Integrating Cultural Resource Preservation at a Landscape Level
Cultural Resources Fellowship
Ingram 1957.pdf
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TRB Library
Instructions for Citing the Literature Gateway
If this tool helps you find relevant literature for a publication, please reference it in the methods section of your manuscript.
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