Labos et al 1964.pdf
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TRB Library
LaCrosse St Croix River.pdf
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TRB Library
Land managers learn about duff moisture
Land managers learn about duff moisture during a wildland fire workshop in North Carolina. Credit: Jennifer Fawcett
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Image Gallery
Land Trust Alliance
Founded in 1982, the Land Trust Alliance is a national land conservation organization that represents more than 1,000 member land trusts and their 4.6 million supporters nationwide. The Alliance is based in Washington, D.C. and operates several regional offices.
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LP Members
Organizations Search
Land Use Image
Land use landing image.
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LanDAT webinar with Danny Lee of USFS
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Funded Projects
Ecosystem Services Benefits and Risks
LANDFIRE Data Applications for Research in Fire Ecology, Forest Mgmt in California
Brandon Collins presents the second in a series of webinars that LANDFIRE co-hosts with the California Fire Science Consortium. Collins is a USFS Research Forester based in Davis, CA, whose interests involve characterizing effects of fire and fuels treatments on forests at both the stand and landscape levels. He says, "My research intends to provide meaningful information to managers interested in improving forest resiliency and incorporating more natural fire-vegetation dynamics across landscapes."
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Videos and Webinars
Landfire Lead Image
Image for Landfire thumbnail and landing page.
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Fire Mapping
National Fire Mapping
Landfire Postcard November 2019
As 2019 winds down, LANDFIRE offers a sincere thank you to all who contributed to the program this year. LF is a cornerstone of a fully integrated national data information framework that is developing and improving vegetation and fuels products to support strategic fire and resource management planning and analysis.
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News & Events
Wildland Fire Newletters
Landfire Bulletin Newsletters
Landowner Before Site Burn Florida
Prescribed burns used to manage habitat for bobwhite, gopher tortoise.
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