Landowner Feedback
Depending on your needs and interests, there are several ways to contact us via this portal.
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Landowner Information
LandPKS tools allow users to learn about the land and produce site-specific data at any specific location in the world. The LandPKS mobile app is free to download for Android and iOS devices. Users can then access and download their data in the form of .csv files from the Data Portal.
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Mobile Apps
Landscape Conservation Fellowship Screenshot
Landscape Conservation Fellowship Screenshot
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Site Images
Landscape Conservation Fellowship
The Fellowship offers a unique opportunity for new-entry professionals to be part of the emerging and exciting field of Landscape Conservation. This is a post-graduate level training opportunity with career interests in applied landscape conservation science and resource management.
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Integrating Cultural Resource Preservation at a Landscape Level
Cultural Resources Fellowship
Landscape Dynamics Assessment Tool (LanDAT)
The Landscape Dynamics Assessment Tool (LanDAT) helps resource managers monitor broad patterns of vegetation change in order to understand dynamic landscapes and their capacity to provide ecological services and benefits.
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Funded Projects
Ecosystem Services Benefits and Risks
Landscape Partnership Flagship Newsletter 2021
Welcome to the Landscape Partnership!
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News & Events
Conservation Newsletters
Landscape Partnership Newsletters
Landscape Partnership Newsletter-USDA Doubling Down On Growth Of NRCS Working Lands For Wildlife!
USDA Doubling Down on Growth of NRCS Working Lands For Wildlife!
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News & Events
Conservation Newsletters
Landscape Partnership Newsletters
Landscape Partnership Newsletter Announcing The Literature Gateway: Bird-Vegetation Relationships in Eastern and Boreal Forests
Working Lands for Wildlife is happy to announce the launch of the Literature Gateway: A Systematic Map of Bird-Vegetation Relationships in Eastern and Boreal Forests. The Literature Gateway is the newest online tool to join the suite of decision-support tools hosted on the Landscape Partnership Portal.
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News & Events
Conservation Newsletters
Landscape Partnership Newsletters
Landscape Partnership Newsletter-WLFW Prescribed Burning Added To FY24 Climate-Smart Practice List
WLFW news brief.
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News & Events
Conservation Newsletters
Landscape Partnership Newsletters
Landscape Partnership Newsletter-Announcing Bobscapes: A Mobile App To Track Northern Bobwhite On Our Landscapes
Working Lands for Wildlife is happy to announce the launch of Bobscapes, a Mobile App to track Northern Bobwhite. Bobscapes is the newest online tool to join the suite of decision-support tools hosted on the Landscape Partnership Portal.
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News & Events
Conservation Newsletters
Landscape Partnership Newsletters