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Image Landfire Lead Image
Image for Landfire thumbnail and landing page.
Located in Fire Mapping / National Fire Mapping / Landfire
The MTBS program was established to provide a consistent methodology to assess and document the effects of fire at a national scale. Since the program’s inception in 2005, MTBS mapping methods have evolved to accommodate changes and advancements in technology, software, satellite data and the availability of reliable fire occurrence data. It is anticipated these methods will continue to evolve into the future, however, the MTBS mapping approach has consistently occurred in five primary steps: 1. Fire Occurrence Data Compilation; 2. Landsat Scene Selection and Image Pre-processing; 3. Perimeter Delineation; 4. Burn Severity Interpretation; and 5. Data Distribution.
Located in Fire Mapping / / Other National Fire Mapping / Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity
Image Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity Lead Image
Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity image for landing page and thumbnail.
Located in Fire Mapping / / Other National Fire Mapping / Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity
Video Pascal source code SFE Webinar: Introduction to the SE FireMap 1.0 - A New Tool to Map Fires Across the South
The SE FireMap 1.0 is a new fire mapping system for the Southeastern United States. Developed with funding provided by the USDA NRCS, SE FireMap uses a remote sensing-based approach to track both prescribed fire and wildfire activity on public and private lands across the range of the longleaf pine.
Located in Resources / SE FireMap Documentation
Contact Us
Image Helicopter supports firing operation on West Mims Fire West Mims Wildfire at Okefenokee NWR
Helicopter supports firing operation on West Mims Fire West Mims Wildfire at Okefenokee NWR. Photo taken during a strategic firing operation along GA 177 in The Pocket near Stephen C Foster SP. Photo Credit: Josh O'Connor - USFWS.
Located in SE-Firemap Images
Image Troff document Technical Oversight Team (TOT)
TOT image
Located in SE-Firemap Images
Image ECMAScript program WLFW Wildland Fire Courses
WLFW Wildland Fire Courses
Located in SE-Firemap Images
News: Mapping Fires Across the Southeast-Science to Solutions
The Southeast fire map (SE FireMap), funded by NRCS and managed by Working Lands for Wildlife staff, aims to develop a fire tracking map to allow for improved decision making.
Located in News
Prescribed Burning Content Google Doc
Located in Workspace / Wildland Fire Administrators' Group / Meeting Records