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File PDF document Reduction of spring warming over East Asia associated with vegetation feedback
Over East Asia, surface air temperature displays a significant increasing trend particularly in early months of the year for the period of 1982 – 2000. Warming per decade is strongest in late winter, 1.5°C in February and 1.1°C in March, but is significantly reduced in spring, 0.4°C in April and 0.1°C in May. During the analysis period, the reduced temperature increase from late winter to spring is found to be in contrast with the increased vegetation greenness derived from the satellite-measured leaf area index over the domain. We examined this inverse relationship using two climate model experiments— coupled with and without a dynamic vegetation model. In both experiments, strong warming in winter is relatively well reproduced, but weak warming in spring is observed only in the coupled experiment. Analysis of the surface energy budget indicates that weaker spring warming results from an evaporative cooling effect due to the increased vegetation greenness. Over East Asia, the vegetation-evaporation feedback, therefore, may produce seasonal asymmetry in the warming trend.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
Person Reeves, Bill
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File PDF document Reframing Environmental Messages to be Congruent with American Values
Prior research has explored the relationship between values, attitudes about environmental issues, and pro-environmental behavior. These studies have shown a consistent pattern of results — individuals who value self-transcendent life goals tend to care more about environmental problems, favor environmental protection over economic growth, and engage in more proenvironmental behavior. In contrast, indi- viduals who value self-enhancing life goals tend to hold more egoistic concerns about environmental issues, tend to favor economic growth over environmental protection, and tend to engage in fewer environmental behaviors. Research on American values suggests that overall, people in the U.S. tend to hold strong self-enhancing values. These self- enhancing values have largely been considered incongruous with the values that lead to environmental concern and to environmental behavior. In this paper, we synthesize the past research on the relationship between values and environmen- tal behavior. Lessons from the Biodiversity Project are used to illustrate efforts to create effective value-based environmental messages. Keywords: values, environmental attitudes, proenvironmental behavior, value-based messages
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document REfugia in conservation.pdf
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Refugia: identifying and understanding safe havens for biodiversity under climate change
Identifying and protecting refugia is a priority for conservation under pro- jected anthropogenic climate change, because of their demonstrated ability to facilitate the survival of biota under adverse conditions. Refugia are habitats that components of biodiversity retreat to, persist in and can potentially expand from under changing environmental conditions. However, the study and discussion of refugia has often been ad hoc and descriptive in nature. We therefore: (1) provide a habitat-based concept of refugia, and (2) evaluate methods for the identification of refugia.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Regional and Global Impacts of Land Cover Change and Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies
Model results show that, at the global scale, the physical impacts of LCC on temperature and rainfall are less important than large-scale SST anomalies, particularly those due to ENSO. However, in the regions where the land surface has been altered, the impact of LCC can be equally or more important than the SST forcing patterns in determining the seasonal cycle of the surface water and energy balance. Thus, this work provides a context for the impacts of LCC on climate: namely, strong regional-scale impacts that can sig- nificantly change globally averaged fields but that rarely propagate beyond the disturbed regions. This suggests that proper representation of land cover conditions is essential in the design of climate model experiments, particularly if results are to be used for regional-scale assessments of climate change impacts.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Regional carbon dioxide implications of forest bioenergy production
Strategies for reducing carbon dioxide emissions include substitution of fossil fuel with bioenergy from forests1, where carbon emitted is expected to be recaptured in the growth of new biomass to achieve zero net emissions 2, and forest thinning to reduce wildfire emissions 3. Here, we use forest inventory data to show that fire prevention measures and large-scale bioenergy harvest in US West Coast forests lead to 2–14% (46–405 Tg C) higher emissions compared with current management practices over the next 20 years. We studied 80 forest types in 19 ecoregions, and found that the current carbon sink in 16 of these ecoregions is sufficiently strong that it cannot be matched or exceeded through substitution of fossil fuels by forest bioenergy. If the sink in these ecoregions weakens below its current level by 30–60 g C m−2 yr−1 owing to insect infestations, increased fire emissions or reduced primary production, management schemes including bioenergy production may succeed in jointly reducing fire risk and carbon emissions. In the remaining three ecoregions, immediate implementation of fire prevention and biofuel policies may yield net emission savings. Hence, forest policy should consider current forest carbon balance, local forest conditions and ecosystem sustainability in establishing how to decrease emissions.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Regional carbon dioxide implications of forest bioenergy production
Strategies for reducing carbon dioxide emissions include substitution of fossil fuel with bioenergy from forests1, where carbon emitted is expected to be recaptured in the growth of new biomass to achieve zero net emissions2, and forest thinning to reduce wildfire emissions3. Here, we use forest inventory data to show that fire prevention measures and large-scale bioenergy harvest in US West Coast forests lead to 2–14% (46–405 Tg C) higher emissions compared with current management practices over the next 20 years. We studied 80 forest types in 19 ecoregions, and found that the current carbon sink in 16 of these ecoregions is sufficiently strong that it cannot be matched or exceeded through substitution of fossil fuels by forest bioenergy. If the sink in these ecoregions weakens below its current level by 30–60 g C m−2 yr−1 owing to insect infestations, increased fire emissions or reduced primary production, management schemes including bioenergy production may succeed in jointly reducing fire risk and carbon emissions. In the remaining three ecoregions, immediate implementation of fire prevention and biofuel policies may yield net emission savings. Hence, forest policy should consider current forest carbon balance, local forest conditions and ecosystem sustainability in establishing how to decrease emissions.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
Regional Fire Mapping
Located in Fire Mapping
Image Regional Fire Mapping Image
A researcher flies a custom UAV with an attached thermal camera used to map fire intensity at Tall Timbers Research Station. Photo: David Godwin, Southern Fire Exchange / University of Florida.
Located in Fire Mapping / Regional Fire Mapping