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File PDF document Temperature-growth divergence in white spruce forests of Old Crow Flats, Yukon Territory, and adjacent regions of northwestern North America
We present a new 23-site network of white spruce ring-width chronologies near boreal treeline in Old Crow Flats, Yukon Territory, Canada. Most chronologies span the last 300 years and some reach the mid-16th century. The chro- nologies exhibit coherent growth patterns before the 1930s. However, since the 1930s, they diverge in trend and exhibit one of two contrasting, but well-replicated patterns we call Group 1 and Group 2. Over the instrumental per- iod (1930–2007) Group 1 sites were inversely correlated with previous-year July temperatures while Group 2 sites were positively correlated with growth-year June temperatures. At the broader northwestern North America (NWNA) scale, we find that the Group 1 and Group 2 patterns are common to a number of white spruce chronolo- gies, which we call NWNA 1 and NWNA 2 chronologies. The NWNA 1 and NWNA 2 chronologies also share a sin- gle coherent growth pattern prior to their divergence (ca. 1950s). Comparison of the NWNA 1/NWNA 2 chronologies against gridded 20th-century temperatures for NWNA and reconstructed northern hemisphere sum- mer temperatures (AD 1300–2000) indicates that all sites responded positively to temperature prior to the mid-20th century (at least back to AD 1300), but that some changed to a negative response (NWNA 1) while others maintained a positive response (NWNA 2). The spatial extent of divergence implies a large-scale forcing. As the divergence appears to be restricted to the 20th century, we suggest that the temperature response shift represents a moisture stress caused by an anomalously warm, dry 20th-century climate in NWNA, as indicated by paleoclimatic records. However, because some sites do not diverge and are located within a few kilometres of divergent sites, we specu- late that site-level factors have been important in determining the susceptibility of sites to the large-scale drivers of divergence. Keywords: boreal treeline, dendroclimatology, divergence, Old Crow Flats, ring-width, white spruce, Yukon Territory
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Temporal dynamics of a commensal network of cavity-nesting vertebrates: increased diversity during an insect outbreak
Network analysis offers insight into the structure and function of ecological communities, but little is known about how empirical networks change over time during perturbations. ‘‘Nest webs’’ are commensal networks that link secondary cavity-nesting vertebrates (e.g., bluebirds, ducks, and squirrels, which depend on tree cavities for nesting) with the excavators (e.g., woodpeckers) that produce cavities. In central British Columbia, Canada, Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus) is considered a keystone excavator, providing most cavities for secondary cavity-nesters. However, roles of species in the network, and overall network architecture, are expected to vary with population fluctuations. Many excavator species increased in abundance in association with a pulse of food (adult and larval beetles) during an outbreak of mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae), which peaked in 2003–2004. We studied nest-web dynamics from 1998 to 2011 to determine how network architecture changed during this resource pulse.Cavity availability increased at the onset of the beetle outbreak and peaked in 2005. During and after the outbreak, secondary cavity-nesters increased their use of cavities made by five species of beetle-eating excavators, and decreased their use of flicker cavities. We found low link turnover, with 74% of links conserved from year to year. Nevertheless, the network increased in evenness and diversity of interactions, and declined slightly in nestedness and niche overlap. These patterns remained evident seven years after the beetle outbreak, suggesting a legacy effect. In contrast to previous snapshot studies of nest webs, our dynamic approach reveals how the role of each cavity producer, and thus quantitative network architecture, can vary over time. The increase in interaction diversity with the beetle outbreak adds to growing evidence that insect outbreaks can increase components of biodiversity in forest ecosystems at various temporal scales. The observed changes in (quantitative) network architecture contrast with the relatively stable (qualitative) architecture of empirical mutualistic networks that have been studied to date. However, they are consistent with recent theory on the importance of population fluctuations in driving network architecture. Our results support the view that models should allow for the possibility of rewiring (species switching partners) to avoid overestimation of secondary extinction risk.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Temporal stability in forest productivity increases with tree diversity due to asynchrony in species dynamics
Theory predicts a positive relationship between biodiversity and stability in ecosystem properties, while diversity is expected to have a negative impact on stability at the species level. We used virtual experiments based on a dynamic simulation model to test for the diversity–stability relationship and its underlying mechanisms in Central European forests. First our results show that variability in productivity between stands differing in species composition decreases as species richness and functional diversity increase. Second we show temporal stability increases with increasing diversity due to compensatory dynamics across species, supporting the biodiversity insurance hypothesis. We demonstrate that this pattern is mainly driven by the asynchrony of spe- cies responses to small disturbances rather than to environmental fluctuations, and is only weakly affected by the net biodiversity effect on productivity. Furthermore, our results suggest that com- pensatory dynamics between species may enhance ecosystem stability through an optimisation of canopy occupancy by coexisting species. Keywords Asynchrony, biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, ecosystem predictability, forests, gap model, insurance hypothesis, productivity, stability, structural equation model.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Ten years of vegetation assembly after a North American mega fire
Altered fuels and climate change are transforming fire regimes in many of Earth’s biomes. Postfire reassembly of vegetation – paramount to C storage and biodiversity conservation – frequently remains unpredictable and complicated by rapid global change. Using a unique data set of pre and long-term postfire data, combined with long-term data from nearby unburned areas, we examined 10 years of understory vegetation assembly after the 2002 Hayman Fire. This fire was the largest wildfire in recorded history in Colorado, USA. Resistance (initial postfire deviance from pre- fire condition) and resilience (return to prefire condition) declined with increasing fire severity. However, via both resistance and resilience, ‘legacy’ species of the prefire community constituted >75% of total plant cover within 3 years even in severely burned areas. Perseverance of legacy species, coupled with new colonizers, created a persis- tent increase in community species richness and cover over prefire levels. This was driven by a first-year increase (maintained over time) in forbs with short life spans; a 2–3-year delayed surge in long-lived forbs; and a consistent increase in graminoids through the 10th postfire year. Burning increased exotic plant invasion relative to prefire and unburned areas, but burned communities always were >89% native. This study informs debate in the literature regarding whether these increasingly large fires are ‘ecological catastrophes.’ Landscape-scale severe burning was catastrophic from a tree overstory perspective, but from an understory perspective, burning promoted rich and productive native understories, despite the entire 10-year postfire period receiving below-average precipitation. Keywords: disturbance, exotic species, fire severity, Hayman Fire, Pinus ponderosa, resilience, resistance, succession, vegetation change
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
Tenneesse River Basin Network-Network News: Issue 45|September 2023
Your Network News | That's A Wrap!
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Video Tennessee Aquarium Conservation Institute - Freshwater Biodiversity
The warm waters of the southeastern United States are home to an amazing diversity of animals and habitats. The Tennessee Aquarium Conservation Institute (TNACI) works to protect and sustain the region's natural treasures and bring people of all ages closer to nature. Help us celebrate and care for these riches in our backyards.
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Tennessee River Basin Network Annual Meeting Aug 10 & 11 2021
You are a vital part of our Network! Come join us virtually to continue our collective work towards a Tennessee River Basin where aquatic and human life thrive!
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Tennessee River Basin Network News-Issue 42-June 2023
A Tennessee River Basin where aquatic and human life thrives.
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Tennessee River Basin Network’s 2023 Conference
Registration Open | TRBN 9th Annual Conference - August 23-24 - Florence, AL
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Tennessee River Basin Network-Network News: Issue 36 | December 2022
Your Network News | Thank You for 2022!
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