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Lee joins me today to share his passion for improving water irrigation efficiency as well as water sustainability. He describes how he became interested in water irrigation and what led him to work with CropMetrics. He explains how their system works and how it can benefit growers. Lee also discusses what a transaction would look like with a farmer and how they convince them to join.
Located in Resources / Podcasts
Ep. 89 Pheasants Forever and Precision Ag Pheasants Forever + Agriculture might not be the first combination you think of, but their similarities are far greater than one might expect. Tanner Bruce, Ag and Conservation Programs Manager at Pheasants Forever, joins podcast host Tony Kramer to talk conservation, precision farming, and the new partnership with Pheasants Forever and John Deere.
Located in Resources / Podcasts
The Northeast Conservation Planning Atlas is a platform that provides access to high-quality geospatial datasets, maps and information to facilitate partner-driven conservation from Maritime Canada to the Appalachians.
Located in Resources
Nature’s Network is a collaborative effort facilitated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Science Applications program that brings together partners from 13 states, federal agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and universities to identify the best opportunities for conserving and connecting intact habitats and ecosystems and supporting imperiled species to help ensure the future of fish and wildlife across the Northeast region.
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Encompassing New England’s largest river system, the Connecticut River watershed provides important habitat for a diversity of fish, wildlife and plants — from iconic species like bald eagle and black bear to federally threatened and endangered species like shortnose sturgeon, piping plover, and dwarf wedgemussel.
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Coastal resilience is an increasingly important topic as impacts from climate change such as accelerated sea level rise and enhanced storm intensity gain prominence. The Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013, which was motivated by Hurricane Sandy related damage, supported many projects throughout the affected region, including the projects found in the following pages.
Located in Resources
Video chemical/x-pdb WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series: Session # 10 How to Do a Pollinator Outreach Event
Session 10 of the WLFW East Region Pollinator Conservation Webinar series was presented by Catherine Beall, South Dakota’s Monarch and Pollinator Coordinating Wildlife Biologist. This session focuses on how to host a pollinator outreach event and is the first session on “pollinator outreach” in the series. Topics covered include the first steps to consider when organizing an event, assembling an agenda, how to advertise, how to prepare the week of the event, things to consider on the day of the event, and follow-up after the event.
Located in Training Resources / Webinars and Instructional Videos / WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series
Fire Lines Volume 14 Issue 3
Fire Science | Research Brief | New & Updated Technology | Recent & Featured Publications | SFE in Action | Florida Prescribed Fire Councils | Gopher Tortoise Council 2024 Annual Meeting | Our Programs | Our Products | Fire Community | Fire Science Exchange Network | Upcoming Events | Funding Opportunities | Additional Resources | SFE Partner Spotlight
Located in News & Events / Wildland Fire Newletters / Southern Fire Exchange Fire Lines
SECAS December 2024 Newsletter
Web forums require registration in the new year, plan for the 2025 Blueprint update
Located in News & Announcements / WLFW Newsletters / Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy (SECAS) Newsletter
Person Kelly, Chris
Located in Expertise Search