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File 338-Prescribed Burning
338-Prescribed Burning. This job sheet has been modified for Bobwhite Quail management in the Southeastern United States. Caution: Prescribed burning should be conducted only by those who are trained and experienced in its use. The landowner is responsible for obtaining all permits and clearances as required by law.
Located in Information / NRCS Conservation Practices & Materials / Job Sheets
File 645 Covey Headquarters Planning Job Sheet (MO example)
645 Quail Covey Headquarters Planning example from Missouri NRCS
Located in Information / NRCS Conservation Practices & Materials / Job Sheets
File chemical/x-pdb 647 Early Successional Habitat Management
674 Early Successional Habitat Management Job Sheet. This job sheet was modified for Bobwhite management in the Southeastern United States.
Located in Information / NRCS Conservation Practices & Materials / Job Sheets
File 666-Forest Stand Improvement for Bobwhite Quail
666- Forest Stand Improvement. This job sheet has been modified specifically for the management of Bobwhite Quail and other early successional species in the Southeastern United States. • Follow state Best Management Practices (BMPs) for forestry and all applicable laws and regulations. Creating and maintaining open canopy pine savanna with the implementation of proper thinnings in combination with frequent prescribed fire and/or brush management (see job sheets for Prescribed Burning for Bobwhite Quail-338 and/or Brush Management for Bobwhite Quail-314) will provide the required conditions needed for a host of species dependent or favored by early successional habitat such as quail, deer, turkey, songbirds, small mammals, native grasses and wild flowers, pollinator insects and plants.
Located in Information / NRCS Conservation Practices & Materials / Job Sheets
Image 800-acre Buck Lake Wildfire
The 800-acre Buck Lake Wildfire began in the Buck Lake Conservation Area, Florida on February 21, 2011. Credit: Steve Miller /key-issues/wildland-fire/fire-mapping/regional-fire-mapping/se-firemap/se-firemap-collection/
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File PDF document 1980.pdf
Located in Resources / TRB Library
File PDF document 1981.pdf
Located in Resources / TRB Library
File PDF document 1984.pdf
Located in Resources / TRB Library
File PDF document 1990.pdf
Located in Resources / TRB Library
File PDF document 1991.pdf
Located in Resources / TRB Library