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File PDF document Comment:Nuclear winter is a real and present danger
Models show that even a ‘small’ nuclear war would cause catastrophic climate change. Such findings must inform policy, says Alan Robock.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document COMMENTARY: Overshoot, adapt and recover
We will probably overshoot our current climate targets, so policies of adaptation and recovery need much more attention, say Martin Parry, Jason Lowe and Clair Hanson. FROM THE TEXT: “We should be planning to adapt to at least 4°C of warming.”
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document commentary: the case for mandatory sequestration
the fact that cumulative carbon dioxide emissions are more important than annual emission rates calls for a fresh approach to climate change mitigation. one option would be a mandatory link between carbon sequestration and fossil fuel extraction. FROM THE TEXT: With current emissions around 10 billion tonnes of carbon per year, and over three trillon tonnes still available in fossil fuel reserves (4,11), emissions need to fall,on average, by over 2% per year from now on to avoid releasing the trillionth tonne.The longer emissions are allowed to rise, the faster they will have to fall thereafter to stay within the same cumulative total.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Commentary: The climate policy narrative for a dangerously warming world
It is time to acknowledge that global average temperatures are likely to rise above the 2 °C policy target and consider how that deeply troubling prospect should affect priorities for communicating and managing the risks of a dangerously warming climate.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Committed terrestrial ecosystem changes due to climate change
Targets for stabilizing climate change are often based on considerations of the impacts of different levels of global warming, usually assessing the time of reaching a particular level of warming. However, some aspects of the Earth system, such as global mean temperatures1 and sea level rise due to thermal expansion2 or the melting of large ice sheets3 , continue to respond long after the stabilization of radiative forcing. Here we use a coupled climate–vegetation model to show that in turn the terrestrial biosphere shows significant inertia in its response to climate change. We demonstrate that the global terrestrial biosphere can continue to change for decades after climate stabilization. We suggest that ecosystems can be committed to long-term change long before any response is observable: for example, we find that the risk of significant loss of forest cover in Amazonia rises rapidly for a global mean temperature rise above 2 ◦ C. We conclude that such committed ecosystem changes must be considered in the definition of dangerous climate change, and subsequent policy development to avoid it.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
Community Hub
Community Preparation and Response
Communities play a crucial role in wildfire preparedness and response. While professionals and practitioners can help communities prepare and respond to wildfires, community members ultimately decide what actions they are willing and able to take. Community members are often the best ambassadors of wildfire messaging and these resources will be helpful not only to professionals working to educate and assist communities in wildfire resilience, but to community members doing the same work.
Located in Wildfire
File PDF document Comparing carbon sequestration in temperate freshwater wetland communities
High productivity and waterlogged conditions make many freshwater wetlands significant carbon sinks. Most wet- land carbon studies focus on boreal peatlands, however, with less attention paid to other climates and to the effects of hydrogeomorphic settings and the importance of wetland vegetation communities on carbon sequestration. This study compares six temperate wetland communities in Ohio that belong to two distinct hydrogeomorphic types: an isolated depressional wetland site connected to the groundwater table, and a riverine flow-through wetland site that receives water from an agricultural watershed. Three cores were extracted in each community and analyzed for total carbon content to determine the soil carbon pool. Sequestration rates were determined by radiometric dating with 137Cs and 210Pb on a set of composite cores extracted in each of the six communities. Cores were also extracted in uplands adjacent to the wetlands at each site. Wetland communities had accretion rates ranging from 3.0 to 6.2 mm yr␣1. The depressional wetland sites had higher (P < 0.001) organic content (146 ± 4.2 gC kg␣1) and lower (P < 0.001) bulk density (0.55 ± 0.01 Mg m␣3) than the riverine ones (50.1 ± 6.9 gC kg␣1 and 0.74 ± 0.06 Mg m␣3). The soil carbon was 98–99% organic in the isolated depressional wetland communities and 85–98% organic in the riv- erine ones. The depressional wetland communities sequestered 317 ± 93 gC m␣2 yr␣1, more (P < 0.01) than the river- ine communities that sequestered 140 ± 16 gC m␣2 yr␣1. The highest sequestration rate was found in the Quercus palustris forested wetland community (473 gC m␣2 yr␣1), while the wetland community dominated by water lotus (Nelumbo lutea) was the most efficient of the riverine communities, sequestering 160 gC m␣2 yr␣1. These differences in sequestration suggest the importance of addressing wetland types and communities in more detail when assessing the role of wetlands as carbon sequestering systems in global carbon budgets. Keywords: 137Cs, 210Pb, carbon accumulation, Gahanna Woods, Nelumbo lutea, Old Woman Creek, Phragmites australis, Quercus palustris, wetland community, wetland hydrgeomorphology
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Competitive and demographic leverage points of community shifts under climate warming
Accelerating rates of climate change and a paucity of whole-community studies of climate impacts limit our ability to forecast shifts in ecosystem structure and dynamics, particularly because climate change can lead to idiosyncratic responses via both demographic effects and altered species interactions. We used a multispecies model to predict which processes and species’ responses are likely to drive shifts in the composition of a space- limited benthic marine community. Our model was parametrized from experimental manipulations of the community. Model simulations indicated shifts in species dominance patterns as temperatures increase, with projected shifts in composition primarily owing to the temperature dependence of growth, mortality and competition for three critical species. By contrast, warming impacts on two other species (rendering them weaker competitors for space) and recruitment rates of all species were of lesser importance in determining projected community changes. Our analysis reveals the impor- tance of temperature-dependent competitive interactions for predicting effects of changing climate on such communities. Furthermore, by identify- ing processes and species that could disproportionately leverage shifts in community composition, our results contribute to a mechanistic understand- ing of climate change impacts, thereby allowing more insightful predictions of future biodiversity patterns.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Complexity of Coupled Human and Natural Systems
Integrated studies of coupled human and natural systems reveal new and complex patterns and processes not evident when studied by social or natural scientists separately. Synthesis of six case studies from around the world shows that couplings between human and natural systems vary across space, time, and organizational units. They also exhibit nonlinear dynamics with thresholds, reciprocal feedback loops, time lags, resilience, heterogeneity, and surprises. Furthermore, past couplings have legacy effects on present conditions and future possibilities.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents