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File PDF document Drought’s legacy: multiyear hydraulic deterioration underlies widespread aspen forest die-off and portends increased future risk
Forest mortality constitutes a major uncertainty in projections of climate impacts on terrestrial ecosystems and car- bon-cycle feedbacks. Recent drought-induced, widespread forest die-offs highlight that climate change could acceler- ate forest mortality with its diverse and potentially severe consequences for the global carbon cycle, ecosystem services, and biodiversity. How trees die during drought over multiple years remains largely unknown and pre- cludes mechanistic modeling and prediction of forest die-off with climate change. Here, we examine the physiological basis of a recent multiyear widespread die-off of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) across much of western North America. Using observations from both native trees while they are dying and a rainfall exclusion experiment on mature trees, we measure hydraulic performance over multiple seasons and years and assess pathways of accumu- lated hydraulic damage. We test whether accumulated hydraulic damage can predict the probability of tree survival over 2 years. We find that hydraulic damage persisted and increased in dying trees over multiple years and exhibited few signs of repair. This accumulated hydraulic deterioration is largely mediated by increased vulnerability to cavita- tion, a process known as cavitation fatigue. Furthermore, this hydraulic damage predicts the probability of interyear stem mortality. Contrary to the expectation that surviving trees have weathered severe drought, the hydraulic deteri- oration demonstrated here reveals that surviving regions of these forests are actually more vulnerable to future droughts due to accumulated xylem damage. As the most widespread tree species in North America, increasing vul- nerability to drought in these forests has important ramifications for ecosystem stability, biodiversity, and ecosystem carbon balance. Our results provide a foundation for incorporating accumulated drought impacts into climate–vege- tation models. Finally, our findings highlight the critical role of drought stress accumulation and repair of stress- induced damage for avoiding plant mortality, presenting a dynamic and contingent framework for drought impacts on forest ecosystems. Keywords: biosphere–atmosphere interactions, climate change, ecosystem shift, forest mortality, vegetation model, xylem cavitation, dieoff
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Toward an Era of Restoration in Ecology: Successes, Failures, and Opportunities Ahead
Keywords resilience, ecosystem restoration, restoration ecology, recovery, degradation, ecosystem services, environmental change, novel ecosystems Abstract As an inevitable consequence of increased environmental degradation and anticipated future environmental change, societal demand for ecosystem restoration is rapidly increasing. Here, I evaluate successes and failures in restoration, how science is informing these efforts, and ways to better ad- dress decision-making and policy needs. Despite the multitude of restora- tion projects and wide agreement that evaluation is a key to future progress, comprehensive evaluations are rare. Based on the limited available infor- mation, restoration outcomes vary widely. Cases of complete recovery are frequently characterized by the persistence of species and abiotic processes that permit natural regeneration. Incomplete recovery is often attributed to a mixture of local and landscape constraints, including shifts in species distributions and legacies of past land use. Lastly, strong species feedbacks and regional shifts in species pools and climate can result in little to no recovery. More forward-looking paradigms, such as enhancing ecosystem services and increasing resilience to future change, are exciting new direc- tions that need more assessment. Increased evidence-based evaluation and cross-disciplinary knowledge transfer will better inform a wide range of critical restoration issues such as how to prioritize sites and interventions, include uncertainty in decision making, incorporate temporal and spatial dependen- cies, and standardize outcome assessments. As environmental policy increasingly embraces restoration, the opportunities have never been greater.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Evolution of Grasses and Grassland Ecosystems
The evolution and subsequent ecological expansion of grasses (Poaceae) since the Late Cretaceous have resulted in the establishment of one of Earth’s dominant biomes, the temperate and tropical grasslands, at the expense of forests. In the past decades, several new approaches have been applied to the fossil record of grasses to elucidate the patterns and processes of this ecosystem transformation. The data indicate that the development of grassland ecosystems on most continents was a multistage process involving the Pale- ogene appearance of (C3 and C4) open-habitat grasses, the mid-late Cenozoic spread of C3 grass-dominated habitats, and, finally, the Late Neogene expansion of C4 grasses at tropical-subtropical latitudes. The evolution of herbivores adapted to grasslands did not necessarily coincide with the spread of open-habitat grasses. In addition, the timing of these evolutionary and ecological events varied between regions. Consequently, region-by-region investigations using both direct (plant fossils) and indirect (e.g., stable carbon isotopes, faunas) evidence are required for a full understanding of the tempo and mode of grass and grassland evolution.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Global Cooling by Grassland Soils of the Geological Past and Near Future
Keywords grass, mammal, coevolution, paleosol, paleoclimate, carbon sequestration, albedo Abstract Major innovations in the evolution of vegetation such as the Devonian ori- gin of forests created new weathering regimes and soils (Alfisols, Histosols) that increased carbon consumption and sequestration and ushered in the Permian-Carboniferous Ice Age. Similarly, global expansion of grasslands and their newly evolved, carbon-rich soils (Mollisols) over the past 40 mil- lion years may have induced global cooling and ushered in Pleistocene glacia- tion. Grassland evolution has been considered a consequence of mountain uplift and tectonic reorganization of ocean currents, but it can also be viewed as a biological force for global change through coevolution of grasses and grazers. Organisms in such coevolutionary trajectories adapt to each other rather than to their environment, and so can be forces for global change. Some past farming practices have aided greenhouse gas release. However, modern grassland agroecosystems are a potential carbon sink already under intensive human management, and carbon farming techniques may be useful in curbing anthropogenic global warming.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Climate Change, Aboveground-Belowground Interactions, and Species’ Range Shifts
Changes in climate, land use, fire incidence, and ecological connections all may contribute to current species’ range shifts. Species shift range individually, and not all species shift range at the same time and rate. This variation causes community reorganization in both the old and new ranges. In terrestrial ecosystems, range shifts alter aboveground-belowground interactions, influencing species abundance, community composition, ecosystem processes and services, and feedbacks within communities and ecosystems. Thus, range shifts may result in no-analog communities where foundation species and community genetics play unprecedented roles, possibly leading to novel ecosystems. Long-distance dispersal can enhance the disruption of aboveground-belowground interactions of plants, herbivores, pathogens, symbiotic mutualists, and decomposer organisms. These effects are most likely stronger for latitudinal than for altitudinal range shifts. Disrupted aboveground-belowground interactions may have influenced historical postglacial range shifts as well. Assisted migration without considering aboveground-belowground interactions could enhance risks of such range shift–induced invasions.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Insect Responses to Major Landscape-Level Disturbance
Keywords tolerance, dispersal, succession, local extinction, outbreak, population dynamics Abstract Disturbances are abrupt events that dramatically alter habitat conditions and resource distribution for populations and communities. Terrestrial land- scapes are subject to various disturbance events that create a matrix of patches with different histories of disturbance and recovery. Species tolerances to ex- treme conditions during disturbance or to altered habitat or resource condi- tions following disturbances determine responses to disturbance. Intolerant populations may become locally extinct, whereas other species respond posi- tively to the creation of new habitat or resource conditions. Local extinction represents a challenge for conservation biologists. On the other hand, out- breaks of herbivorous species often are triggered by abundant or stressed hosts and relaxation of predation following disturbances. These insect re- sponses can cause further changes in ecosystem conditions and predispose communities to future disturbances. Improved understanding of insect re- sponses to disturbance will improve prediction of population and community dynamics, as well as ecosystem and global changes.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document The Rescaling of Global Environmental Politics
Key Words governance, international, linked issues, networks, scale Abstract In the past half-century, the practice and study of global environmental politics and governance have been dramatically rescaled. They have be- come increasingly complex and interconnected with respect to the level (between local and global) at which they take place, the range of actors engaged in them, and the linkages between them and nominally nonen- vironmental issues. Global environmental politics and governance have been rescaled vertically down toward provincial and municipal gov- ernments and up toward supranational regimes. They have also been rescaled horizontally across regional and sectoral organizations and net- works and across new issues, such as development, security, and trade among others. This rescaling reflects shifts in the magnitude, complexity, and interconnectedness of the global environmental problems humans face as well as epistemological shifts in how humans understand and respond to these problems, and rescaling has implications for both the practice and study of global environmental politics.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document 20th-Century doubling in dust archived in an Antarctic Peninsula ice core parallels climate change and desertification in South America
Crustal dust in the atmosphere impacts Earth’s radiative forcing directly by modifying the radiation budget and affecting cloud nucleation and optical properties, and indirectly through ocean fertilization, which alters carbon sequestration. Increased dust in the atmosphere has been linked to decreased global air tempera- ture in past ice core studies of glacial to interglacial transitions. We present a continuous ice core record of aluminum deposition during recent centuries in the northern Antarctic Peninsula, the most rapidly warming region of the Southern Hemisphere; such a record has not been reported previously. This record shows that aluminosilicate dust deposition more than doubled during the 20th century, coincident with the 􏰀1°C Southern Hemisphere warming: a pattern in parallel with increasing air temperatures, decreasing relative humidity, and widespread desertification in Patagonia and northern Argentina. These results have far-reaching implications for understanding the forces driving dust generation and impacts of changing dust levels on climate both in the recent past and future. aluminosilicate dust 􏰆 global warming 􏰆 human impacts 􏰆 Patagonia 􏰆 radiative transfer
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
Editorial- 1st paragraph: With great interest we have read Ruddiman’s intriguing article which is in favor of placing the start of the Anthropocene at 5–8 millennia BP instead of the late quarter of the 18th century. He shows how land exploitation for agriculture and animal husbandry may have led to enhanced emissions of CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere, thereby modifying the expected changes in the concentrations of these gases beyond those expected from variations in the Milankovich orbital parameters. Much of his argument depends on the correctness of their projected CH4 concen- tration curve from 7,000 years BP to pre-industrial times showing a decline to about 425 ppb, according to Milankovich, instead of the measured 700 ppb. It appears, however, strange that in Ruddiman’s analysis the proposed increase of CH4 due to anthropogenic activities stopped at about 1000 years BP, because ice core data showed almost constant mixing ratios of CH4 between 1000 years BP and about 200 years ago before the rapid rise of CH4 in the industrial period (IPCC, 2001). A major feature of Ruddiman’s argument is that natural atmospheric CH4 concentrations depend strongly on geological varying summer time insolations in the tropical northern hemisphere, controlling tropical wetlands and methane release from decaying organic matter under anaerobic conditions.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Turning back from the brink: Detecting an impending regime shift in time to avert it
Ecological regime shifts are large, abrupt, long-lasting changes in ecosystems that often have considerable impacts on human econ- omies and societies. Avoiding unintentional regime shifts is widely regarded as desirable, but prediction of ecological regime shifts is notoriously difficult. Recent research indicates that changes in ecological time series (e.g., increased variability and autocorrela- tion) could potentially serve as early warning indicators of im- pending shifts. A critical question, however, is whether such indicators provide sufficient warning to adapt management to avert regime shifts. We examine this question using a fisheries model, with regime shifts driven by angling (amenable to rapid reduction) or shoreline development (only gradual restoration is possible). The model represents key features of a broad class of ecological regime shifts. We find that if drivers can only be manipulated gradually management action is needed substantially before a regime shift to avert it; if drivers can be rapidly altered aversive action may be delayed until a shift is underway. Large increases in the indicators only occur once a regime shift is initiated, often too late for management to avert a shift. To improve usefulness in averting regime shifts, we suggest that research focus on defining critical indicator levels rather than detecting change in the indicators. Ideally, critical indicator levels should be related to switches in ecosystem attractors; we present a new spectral density ratio indicator to this end. Averting ecological regime shifts is also dependent on developing policy pro- cesses that enable society to respond more rapidly to information about impending regime shifts. early warning indicator 􏰆 ecological threshold 􏰆 spectral density ratio
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents