MUST READ: Objective 2.7 Work Plan
A Ppt slide image depicting the objective and identified tasks (steps/timeline) to advance the work in identifying surrogate species use as planning and monitoring approach to landscape-level conservation. (It is part of Section B of the 5-Year Work Plan - http://applcc.org/our-work/5-year-work-plan/work-plan-section-b
Located in
SC Surrogate and Indicator Work Group
App LCC States Map
Depicts 15 states within the Appalachian LCC Boundary
Located in
Apps, Maps, & Data
Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets
Appalchian Boundary and Resource Maps
App LCC Crop Biomass
Depicts estimate of Crop Biomass from 2008 by county.
Located in
Apps, Maps, & Data
Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets
Appalchian Boundary and Resource Maps
App LCC Forest Biomass
Depicts estimate of forest residual biomass from 2007 per county.
Located in
Apps, Maps, & Data
Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets
Appalchian Boundary and Resource Maps
App LCC Methane Biomass
Depicts estimate from manure methane (2002) for one year per county.
Located in
Apps, Maps, & Data
Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets
Appalchian Boundary and Resource Maps
App LCC Coal Fields
Depicts coal fields, coal types, and likely accessibility.
Located in
Apps, Maps, & Data
Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets
Appalchian Boundary and Resource Maps
App LCC Ecoregions (EPA level III)
Depicts EPA level III ecoregions which are encompassed by LCC
Located in
Apps, Maps, & Data
Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets
Appalchian Boundary and Resource Maps
App LCC Landcover
Depicts the landcover types from NLCD 2006 within the Appalachian LCC
Located in
Apps, Maps, & Data
Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets
Appalchian Boundary and Resource Maps
App LCC Public Lands
Depicts the public lands which fall within the App LCC boundary
Located in
Apps, Maps, & Data
Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets
Appalchian Boundary and Resource Maps
App LCC Natural Gas Shale Deposits
Depicts the Shale Plays within the App LCC boundary
Located in
Apps, Maps, & Data
Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets
Appalchian Boundary and Resource Maps