Appalachian LCC Activity Update to National Park Service
Coordinator Jean Brennan gave a webinar presentation on recent accomplishments and the future direction of the Appalachian LCC to the National Park Service (NPS) Natural Areas Team on October 18, 2012.
Located in
SC Meeting & Workshop, April 22-24, 2013
Annual Reporting
Meeting Notes 2-11-13 Call
Steering Committee meeting notes for 2-11-13 call.
Located in
SC Meeting & Workshop, April 22-24, 2013
Annual Reporting
ISC Conference Call Notes Dec. 14
The Appalachian LCC Interim Steering Committee held a conference call on December 14 to discuss the finalization of the 5-Year Work Plan, the Central Hardwoods Joint Venture proposal to revise boundary lines, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Surrogate Species Workshops, and the National LCC Coordinators Meeting.
Located in
SC Meeting & Workshop, April 22-24, 2013
Annual Reporting
2013 April Steering Committee Meeting & Workshop
Located in
Past SC Meetings and Materials
SC Meeting & Workshop, April 22-24, 2013
Located in
Past SC Meetings and Materials
SC Meeting & Workshop, April 22-24, 2013
Data Issues
Located in
Past SC Meetings and Materials
SC Meeting & Workshop, April 22-24, 2013
Indicators/Surrogate Species
Located in
Past SC Meetings and Materials
SC Meeting & Workshop, April 22-24, 2013
Programmatic Alignment and Strategic Engagement
Located in
Past SC Meetings and Materials
SC Meeting & Workshop, April 22-24, 2013
Major Decisions and Notes from SC Meeting & Workshop
Major decisions made by Steering Committee work groups (Surrogate and Indicators, Data, Programmatic Alignment, Communications) during the two day Meeting and Workshop held in Blacksburg, VA.
Located in
Past SC Meetings and Materials
SC Meeting & Workshop, April 22-24, 2013
Materials for Steering Committee Call for 6/26/13
Here are resources and materials regarding Steering Committee work groups, status of funded and FY13 projects, and more for use by Steering Committee during call on 6/26/13.
Located in
Steering Committee
Past SC Meetings and Materials