GIS & Conservation Planning Portal Overview
Paul Leonard provides a general overview regarding the new GIS & Conservation Planning Portal within the Appalachian LCC Web Portal. This new area of the website is intended for broad dissemination of conservation literature, tools, and other resources to help guide land managers with on-the-ground conservation action throughout the region. Users can also find a framework that supports a systematic conservation planning effort. This framework ranges from setting conservation targets to ultimately measuring conservation success. The tab structure of this portal is meant to progress in an intuitive manner which fosters an environment of informed and strategic planning. In addition, tools such as a web-enabled map viewer and decision support models can be dynamically executed.
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Past SC Meetings and Materials
Steering Committee Call 3/6/14
Aquatic Ecological Flows Project Update
This presentation from Dr. Todd Walter of Cornell University provides an update to the Steering Committee on the Appalachian LCC funded research project. The Aquatic Ecological Flows project is providing a report assessing availability of hydrologic and ecological flow model(s) suitable for the region, a georeference assessment of available ecological data to inform the ecological flow model(s), the application of the model(s) to anticipate how altered flow regimes will affect critical conditions, and a report that forecasts changes in hydrology and associated predicted biological responses in relation to different water resource development scenarios for critical watersheds.
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Past SC Meetings and Materials
Steering Committee Call 3/6/14
Cave and Karst Mapping and Classification Update
This presentation from Professor David Culver of American University provides an update to the Steering Committee on the Appalachian LCC funded research project that is assembling and identifying key location and classification data while developing products that depict and map cave and karst habitats and biological resources across the Appalachian LCC. Developing a consistent classification system and mapping for cave and karst habitats is a foundational need for these highly unique habitats.This project will develop cave and karst data and a georeferenced suite of products that are consistent in methodology to support larger-scale planning efforts, yet usable at scales that will support local resource decision-makers.
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Past SC Meetings and Materials
Steering Committee Call 3/6/14
Steering Committee Meeting & Workshop September 3-5, 2014
The focus of the Steering Committee Meeting & Workshop was to advance the work of the conservation planning process.
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Steering Committee
Past SC Meetings and Materials
SC Meeting & Workshop Agenda
For Meeting on September 3-5, 2014 in Shepherdstown, WVA
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Past SC Meetings and Materials
Steering Committee Meeting & Workshop September 3-5, 2014
Major Highlights and Action Items from Appalachian LCC Steering Committee Meeting & Workshop Sept 3-5, 2014
The focus of the Steering Committee Meeting & Workshop was to advance the work of the conservation planning process. During the Workshop, Steering Committee members and invited experts began developing a process for articulating Appalachian LCC priority resources – considering both natural and cultural resources.
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Past SC Meetings and Materials
Steering Committee Meeting & Workshop September 3-5, 2014
Full SC Meeting & Workshop Notes, September 3-5, 2014
Full meeting notes.
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Past SC Meetings and Materials
Steering Committee Meeting & Workshop September 3-5, 2014
Goal 1: Data and Toolsets of Work Plan Report Card
FY2014 Annual Steering Committee Meeting 5-Year Work Plan ( “Report Card” updated August 2014).
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Past SC Meetings and Materials
Steering Committee Meeting & Workshop September 3-5, 2014
Goal 2: Landscape-level Planning of Work Plan Report Card
FY2014 Annual Steering Committee Meeting of 5-Year Work Plan (“Report Card” updated August 2014).
Located in
Past SC Meetings and Materials
Steering Committee Meeting & Workshop September 3-5, 2014
Goal 3: Engagement & Dialogue of Work Plan Report Card
FY2014 Annual Steering Committee Meeting 5-Year Work Plan (“Report Card” updated August 2014).
Located in
Past SC Meetings and Materials
Steering Committee Meeting & Workshop September 3-5, 2014