Survey - Improvements and Landscape Conservation Design
Survey 3 of 6 for the Appalachian LCC Steering Committee Members.
Located in
Past SC Meetings and Materials
SC Meeting, August 24-25, 2016
Survey - What We Learned
Survey 4 of 6 for the Appalachian LCC Steering Committee Members.
Located in
Past SC Meetings and Materials
SC Meeting, August 24-25, 2016
Survey - Next 5 Years of Success
Survey 5 of 6 for the Appalachian LCC Steering Committee Members.
Located in
Past SC Meetings and Materials
SC Meeting, August 24-25, 2016
Survey - Member Contribution
Survey 6 of 6 for the Appalachian LCC Steering Committee Members.
Located in
Past SC Meetings and Materials
SC Meeting, August 24-25, 2016
Introduction and Opening Session Presentation
Given by Appalachian LCC Chair to open up the meeting.
Located in
Past SC Meetings and Materials
SC Meeting, August 24-25, 2016
Cacapon and Lost Rivers Land Trust
The Cacapon and Lost Rivers Land Trust is the only homegrown organization exclusively dedicated to permanently protecting and preserving land in Cacapon and Lost River Valley. We have worked with our Valley’s landowners, for over 25 years to protect and preserve the natural resources, beauty and uniqueness of our Valley. Our work focuses on protecting only the richest ecological and economically beneficial areas to create a network or natural land hubs and corridors.
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Our Organization
SC Group Shot
For Our Organization Landing Page.
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Our Organization
Our Organization
Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) are applied science and management partnerships initiated
by the Department of the Interior’s (DOI’s) bureaus and others involved in natural and cultural resource
conservation and management. The Appalachian LCC consists of its Steering Committee members which is the decision‐making and oversight body of the organization, Staff who support of the work of the LCC and various work groups and oversight teams established to address specific topics or issues, often drawn from the partnership‐at‐large.
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2013 SN Portfolio: Mission is to maintain native habitats and endemic aquatic species in their current locations or support these as they migrate with land use and climate changes in the future.
Located in
2013 Science Needs Portfolio
PDF Thematic Areas
Cave, Karst & Minelands
2013 SN Portfolio: Mission to conserve and manage cave/karst and restored mine land (CKM) communities across jurisdictions.
Located in
2013 Science Needs Portfolio
PDF Thematic Areas