2013 SN Portfolio: Science Objective is to inventory significant regional wetland habitats, evaluate the condition and importance of these habitats, and identify regional threats impacting those resources. Management Objective is so that LCC partners and stakeholders can develop and implement cohesive regional management strategies to protect and manage wetlands across jurisdictions.
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2013 Science Needs Portfolio
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Forest Lands
2013 SN Portfolio: Mission is to identify and prioritize regional forest habitats and natural communities to foster resiliency in the face of current and future threats while supporting a larger multijurisdictional framework for planning and management.
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2013 Science Needs Portfolio
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2013 SN Portfolio: Mission is to maintain native habitats and native species in their current locations or support
these as they migrate in response to land use and climate changes in the future.
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2013 Science Needs Portfolio
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Working Lands
2013 SN Portfolio: Mission is to improve planning and integration of “working lands” (which include urbanized, agricultural, forestry, industrial, and energy development) and conservation interests.
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2013 Science Needs Portfolio
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Human Dimensions
2013 SN Portfolio: Mission is to incorporate ecosystem services values into natural resource decision-making.
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2013 Science Needs Portfolio
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Climate Change
2013 SN Portfolio: Mission to create an effective adaptation strategy for climate change based on the best available science.
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2013 Science Needs Portfolio
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2013 SN Portfolio (Full Report)
In February 2013, almost 50 experts from a wide range of technical background in both natural and social sciences, as well as geographic expertise across the entire region, volunteered to participate in the annual review of the Appalachian LCC Science Needs Portfolio. 2013 marked the first revision of the Portfolio.
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2013 Science Needs Portfolio
PDF Thematic Areas
SN Portfolio Cover 2013
Cover for the 2013 Science Needs Portfolio.
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Our Plan
2013 Science Needs Portfolio
2013 Science Needs Portfolio
A group of over 150 invited researchers and managers representing a diverse cross-section of expertise and affiliations were assembled to identify the science information needs of Appalachia in order to effectively address the conservation challenges and opportunities across the landscape. The resulting comprehensive cataloguing or “Science Needs Portfolio” was developed to serve as a guiding framework, critical to help facilitate and support conservation planning, delivery, and applied research as well as monitoring efforts across the Appalachian LCC. It also compiles recommendations based on on-going or emergent needs and reflects completion of previously funded projects.
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Our Plan
SN Portfolio Cover 2012
Cover image for Science Needs Portfolio in 2012.
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Our Plan
2012 Science Needs Portfolio