2012 Science Needs Portfolio
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Our Plan
Conservation Priorities Science Needs Workshop
The Conservation Priorities Science Needs Workshop took place on November 29-30, 2011 in Blacksburg, VA. A group of over 150 invited researchers and managers representing a diverse cross-section of expertise and affiliations were assembled to identify the science information needs of Appalachia in order to effectively address the conservation challenges and opportunities across the landscape. The resulting “Portfolio” of science needs will serve as a critical guiding framework to help facilitate and support conservation planning, delivery, and applied research and monitoring efforts across the Appalachian LCC.
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Our Plan
ISC Meeting & Workshop, July 11-13, 2012
The Interim Steering Committee met in Blacksburg, VA to develop the Cooperative’s key goals, formulate guiding principles, and define next steps for incorporation into the LCC's first Work Plan.
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5-Year Work Plan
Background Resource Materials
Front Cover_2
Cover of Work Plan
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Our Plan
5-Year Work Plan
Publications & Outreach
A collection of reports, plans, and outreach products related to the activities of the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC).
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2015 Annual Report
The 2015 Annual Report details the investment the Appalachian LCC has made over the past years that led to the creation of vital research products, tools, and a landscape conservation design framework to address the most pressing science needs in the region. It also highlights the initial activities ensuring this science becomes integrated into planning and decision making at regional, state, and local levels to ensure key habitats and ecosystems are conserved in large, interconnected areas.
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Publications & Outreach
Synthesis of Science Investments
Information and tools to guide landscape conservation in the Appalachians. This document provides a synthesis of all Appalachian LCC funded research project deliverables such as decision support tools, data layers, final reports, and other vital information that will help plan and manage for the conservation of aquatic and terrestrial systems throughout the region.
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Publications & Outreach
Appalachian LCC
A newsletter from the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative that highlights how the Appalachian LCC and its partners are addressing landscape issues and bringing together a community to find sustainable solutions.
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Publications & Outreach
AppLCC Winter Newsletter 2015
In this edition we describe how Steering Committee members and invited experts began developing a process for articulating the Appalachian LCC’s priority resources, highlight all the new deliverables from our funding research projects, and more.
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Publications & Outreach
2015 Report Card
FY16 End of Year (2015-16) Report Card on the Work of the AppLCC to Advance its Goals and Objectives as Identified in the 2012-2017 5-Year Work Plan.
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Publications & Outreach