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Appalachian LCC ISC Conference Call October 4, 2012
The Appalachian LCC Interim Steering Committee (ISC) held a conference call on October 4 to discuss and make decisions regarding several important topics including requested boundary adjustment from the Central Hardwoods JV, adoption of the Appalachian LCC Work Plan, expenditure decision of the FY 12 program funds, and consideration of request for membership to the ISC from the National Audubon Society.
Located in Cooperative / / Steering Committee / Past SC Meetings and Materials
Appalachian LCC ISC Conference Call December 14, 2012
The Appalachian LCC Interim Steering Committee held a conference call on December 14 to discuss the finalization of the 5-Year Work Plan, the Central Hardwoods Joint Venture proposal to revise boundary lines, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Surrogate Species Workshops, and the National LCC Coordinators Meeting.
Located in Cooperative / / Past SC Meetings and Materials / ISC Call for December 14
Appalachian LCC Launches New Community Web Portal
Our new Content Management System (CMS) will provide up-to-date news and information to members, partners, and the general public about the Appalachian LCC’s work, ongoing projects, new products, and publications.
Located in News & Events
Appalachian LCC part of Premiere Climate Education and Literacy Training Program
The inaugural Educator Climate and Conservation Colloquium (or EC3) brought together 50 teachers and school decision makers from across the nation to receive training on campus sustainability and wildlife conservation issues to better serve schools and communities.
Located in News & Events
Appalachian LCC Research Update: Phase II of Landscape Conservation Design 
Dr. Paul Leonard of Clemson University will provide a research update to the Appalachian LCC Steering Committee and interested partners on the results from Phase II of our Landscape Conservation Design. 
Located in News & Events / Events
File Appalachian LCC Riparian Restoration in Action
A user-friendly tool to address management needs was funded by the Appalachian LCC to allow managers and decision-makers to rapidly identify and prioritize areas along the banks of rivers, streams, and lakes for restoration, making these ecosystems more resilient to disturbance and future changes in climate.
Located in Cooperative / / National LCC Network / LCC Conservation in Action Success Stories
Appalachian LCC Science Delivery Workshop
The Appalachian LCC is setting up a science delivery workshop to share recently develop products and train partners in decision support planning tools.
Located in News & Events / Events
Appalachian LCC Steering Committee Meeting
The major goals and outcomes of this meeting include celebrating progress of the last year, agree upon priority resources or the process for deciding on priority resources within the Appalachian landscape, and approve project funding for 2015.
Located in News & Events / Events
Appalachian LCC Steering Committee Meeting
Located in News & Events
Appalachian LCC Winter Newsletter
The 2014 Winter Newsletter highlights how the Appalachian LCC and its partners are addressing landscape issues and bringing together a community to find sustainable solutions.
Located in News & Events