Summary of Kentucky Wildlife Action Plan.pdf
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Archived Groups
SC Programmatic Alignment Work Group
State Wildlife Action Plans (SWAPs)
Summary of North Carolina Wildlife Action Plan
Overview of NC SWAP.
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Archived Groups
SC Programmatic Alignment Work Group
State Wildlife Action Plans (SWAPs)
Full Proposal: Interactive Conservation Planning
Using available data and modeling approaches that are well represented in the literature, researchers will develop conservation planning models that include site selection, threats, and connectivity analyses. These draft results will be presented to Steering Committee and then informed and refined by their feedback and other stakeholders. After each round of feedback, a revised conservation scenario will be produced. Draft conservation scenarios and associated products produced by each of these feedback rounds will be supplied to stakeholders with supporting documentation. Following 2-3 such feedback loops, conservation planning map products will be posted on the Portal.
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Interactive Conservation Planning TOT
Background Project and Member Information
AppLCC Boundary
The extent of the Appalachian LCC area.
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Apps, Maps, & Data
Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets
Appalchian Boundary and Resource Maps
NatureScape Process
Key steps in developing this collaborative conservation design and applying it to inform decision making.
Initial Consultations
In 2015, a team of technical experts with knowledge of the species, ecosystems, and physiographic regions of the Appalachian LCC geography were assembled to advise in the development of the first iteration of the Landscape Conservation Design. This advisory team identified essential natural resources to represent in the landscape modeling work, capturing a mix of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem types.
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March 10 Consultation Presentation Slides
Presentation slides from Dr. Paul Leonard about Appalachian LCC Conservation Design Phase 1 Research and Products.
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Initial Consultations
Summary of Call Notes and Recommendations
From March 10 Consultation and Presentation.
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Initial Consultations
March 17 Consultation Presentation Slides
Presentation slides from Dr. Paul Leonard about Appalachian LCC Conservation Design Phase 1 Research and Products.
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Initial Consultations
Aquatic Consultations Phase 2
Located in
Phase 2 Consultations