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HTML Tile Pascal source code ARRI and the Appalachian LCC
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search / Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative
Image ARRI Banner
Banner for ARRI
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search / Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative
Image RealAudio document ARRI Diagram
For ARRI Showcase
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search / Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative
HTML Tile ARRI is an Award-winning Initiative
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search / Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative
Image ARRI Landscape
For ARRI Showcase
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search / Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative
ARRI Mined Land Restoration Conference
The Conference will highlight reforestation efforts in the Appalachian Region and give recent findings and practice on improving reforestation success.
Located in News & Events / Events
Assessing climate-sensitive ecosystems in the southeastern United States
The southeastern U.S. contains a unique diversity of ecosystems that provide important benefits, including habitat for wildlife and plants, water quality, and recreation opportunities. As climate changes, a better understanding of how our ecosystems will be affected is vital for identifying strategies to protect these ecosystems.
Located in News & Events / Events
Project chemical/x-pdb Assessing Forest Fragmentation from Marcellus Shale Gas Development
Expansion of drilling sites and associated infrastructure to extract natural gas from the Marcellus shale deposits has the potential to significantly reduce existing forest cover across the Marcellus field and leave what remains in a fragmented state.
Located in Research
Assessing Future Energy Development across the Appalachians
The Nature Conservancy - with support from the Appalachian LCC - has completed a study to assist policy makers, land management agencies, and industry in assessing potential future energy development and how that may overlap with biological and ecological values.
Located in Tools
Assessing Future Energy Development across the Appalachians
The Nature Conservancy - with support from the FWS - has completed a study to assist policy makers, land management agencies, and industry in assessing potential future energy development and how that may overlap with biological and ecological values.
Located in Tools & Resources