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Scott Robinson: Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership
Coordinator Scott Robinson addresses the obstacles of data collection, preparation, and development and how the LCCs can help standardized this process for all partners to use that will help professionals implement conservation actions.
Located in Our Community / Voices from the Community
Scott Smith: Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Wildlife Ecologist Scott Smith talks about the vital importance of the Appalachians for the survival of salamanders, how the LCCs can facilitate issues between jurisdictions, and help different agencies prioritize conservation efforts.
Located in Our Community / Voices from the Community
Image Golden-winged Warbler
These birds spend much of their time in young forests and old field succession environments.
Located in Resources / Images
Image Madison Cave
There is an abundance of cave systems in the Appalachians.
Located in Resources / Images
Image application/x-msdos-program Grey Bat
The grey bat is an endangered species that lives in caves year-round.
Located in Resources / Images
Image application/x-msdos-program Indiana Bat
The Indiana bat is an endangered species that is found over most of the eastern half of the United States.
Located in Resources / Images
Image Troff document Eastern_Brook_Trout
The Eastern Brook Trout is the only native trout that inhabits the cold, clear streams of the eastern United States. It is the state fish in many eastern states and is a prized sport fish by anglers.
Located in Resources / Images
Image Salamander
There are more species of Salamanders in the Appalachians, include endemics, than anywhere else on the planet.
Located in Resources / Images
Image Mussels
Due to their long lifespan and sensitivity to degradation, freshwater mussels are increasingly valued for tracking status and trends of the health of inland waters.
Located in Resources / Images
Image Wood Thrush_02
Wood Thrush breeds in the deciduous forests of eastern North America. They are experiencing population declines due to degradation of habitat.
Located in Resources / Images