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Awareness and Outreach
The information and tools from this research is intended to inform planning decisions that can effectively avoid, minimize, or offset impacts from energy development to important natural areas.
Located in Tools & Resources / Assessing Future Energy Development
Person Axel, Anne
Located in Expertise Search
Located in Research / Funded Projects / Stream Impacts from Water Withdrawals in the Marcellus Shale Region
Person Bailey, Whitney
Located in Expertise Search
HTML Tile Pascal source code Baldwin Conservation Lab and the Appalachian LCC
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search / Baldwin Conservation Lab at Clemson University
Organization Baldwin Conservation Lab at Clemson University
The Baldwin lab at Clemson University is committed to examining pressing ecological concerns throughout the Appalachians from the Gaspe' Penninsula to central Alabama. Clemson is conveniently located within a short drive to some of the most interesting aquatic landscapes in the country and furthermore, one of the worlds largest biodiversity hotspots for forest communities, salamanders, and freshwater mussels. This biodiversity, along with rich cultural and historical significance, makes this area prime for landscape-scale conservation planning.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search / Baldwin Conservation Lab at Clemson University
Tile Page Baldwin Conservation Lab at Clemson University
The Baldwin lab at Clemson University is committed to examining pressing ecological concerns throughout the Appalachians from the Gaspe' Penninsula to central Alabama. However, most of the current work being done in the lab is concentrated in the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains. Clemson is conveniently located within a short drive to some of the most interesting aquatic landscapes in the country and furthermore, one of the worlds largest biodiversity hotspots for forest communities, salamanders, and freshwater mussels. This biodiversity, along with rich cultural and historical significance, makes this area prime for landscape-scale conservation planning.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
File PDF document Baldwin_Landscape-scale conservation planning.pdf
Located in Resources / General Resources Holdings / July Workshop 2012
Person Bandy, Earl
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Image Pascal source code Banner for Cultural Resources and Human Dimensions Workgroup
Banner for Workgroup.
Located in Resources / / Images / Banners