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Image Central Appalachians Framework Image
For Newsletter
Located in Resources / / Images / Newsletter Images
Tile Page Central Hardwoods Joint Venture
The Central Hardwoods Joint Venture (CHJV) is a partnership of state and federal government agencies and non-governmental organizations who work together to ensure the long-term viability of native bird populations. CHJV concentrates conservation efforts over an area comprising 75 million acres of rolling hills covered with hardwood forests interspersed with glades and woodlands and crisscrossed by deep river valleys. The area includes the Ozark Highlands, Boston Mountains, and Interior Lowland Plateaus. To protect native bird species throughout their ranges, the JV works with partners in Mexico and Canada in areas that these birds use for breeding or over-wintering.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Image Central Hardwoods Joint Venture
Located in LP Members / Partner Showcase / Partner Logos
Image Cerulean Warbler
This sky blue Warbler inhabits large blocks of mature deciduous forest in the Appalachians. They prefer environments with more open canopies and gaps that allow sunlight to reach the forest floor.
Located in Resources / Images
Project Troff document Cerulean Warbler Forest Management Project
The Cerulean Warbler project was initiated to allow the scientific and management communities to test forestry methods and use experimental harvesting of timber to enhance Cerulean Warbler habitat.
Located in Projects
Person Chamberlain, Sarah
Located in Expertise Search
Person Troff document (with manpage macros) Chapman, Dan
Located in Expertise Search
Person Chase, Josh
Located in Expertise Search
Person Chaveas, Mike
Located in Expertise Search
Person Chazal, Anne
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