Davidson, Eric
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Davis, Doreen
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Davis, Mary
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Demonstrating Value of Riparian Restoration Tool to Riparian Forest Buffer Advisory Committee
On October 27, Jessica Rhodes of the Appalachian LCC provided a demonstration of the Riparian Prioritization for Climate Change Resilience (RPCCR) decision support tool for the most recent meeting of the Riparian Forest Buffer Advisory Committee.
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News & Events
Demonstration of the Habitat Climate Change Vulnerability Index (HCCVI)
The earth’s rapidly changing climate requires substantial adjustments to existing strategies for conserving natural systems. Managers need a better understanding of factors that contribute to the vulnerability of ecosystems and plant communities in order to formulate new adaptation strategies. The Climate Change Vulnerability Index for Ecosystems and Habitats documents series of indicators of vulnerability to climate change.
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Department of Interior
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LP Members
Partner Showcase
Partner Logos
Diersen, Kat
I am the southeast representative for Defenders of Wildlife, a a national non-profit conservation organization focused on wildlife and habitat protection, the protection and recovery of endangered species and the conservation of biodiversity.
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Directions to Palisades
To restaurant for Tuesday evening.
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SC Meeting & Workshop, April 22-24, 2013
Discussion Summary of Top Ranked Science Needs
The Integrated Planning Team recommended 5 Top Ranked Science Needs to the Steering Committee. Each project for science needs is thought to be completed in 12-18 months.
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Past SC Meetings and Materials
ISC Call for February 11, 2013
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General Resources Holdings
July Workshop 2012