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78th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference
Join other industry leaders dedicated to the conservation, enhancement and management of North America's wildlife and other natural resources.
Located in News & Events / Events
Integrating Natural Resource, Transportation, and Land Use Plans
What steps do you need to develop a comprehensive conservation strategy? How can agencies work together to create and share data for transportation and conservation planning? Find out on the next Eco-Logical Webinar: Integrating Natural Resource, Transportation and Land Use Plans.
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The Planning for Growth and Open Space Conservation Webinar Series
Join us for a discussion of programs that allow private landowners to protect working forests and conserve open space administered by the Forest Service, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Farm Service Agency.
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Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Conservation 2012 Broadcast Series
An effective conservation strategy includes engagement of people within diverse populations. To be relevant, we need to be innovative, resourceful and also respectful of what’s important to the people we are attempting to reach. Welcoming all groups and individuals, including those who traditionally may not be as directly connected.
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USFWS Office of the Science Advisor Web Conference Series
Because science is always evolving, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Office of the Science Advisor (OSA) Web Conference Seminar Series is designed to provide the latest cutting-edge scientific information and research. This series also highlights key OSA priorities, such as science integrity, the FWS Climate Change Strategy, Landscape Conservation Cooperatives, and Strategic Habitat Conservation. This program is being facilitated by the USFWS's National Conservation Training Center (NCTC).
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Linking Sustainability with Conservation: Operationalizing Efforts to Connect the Environment with the Economy at a Landscape Level
With the realities of globalization and our technological changes, interdependence or interconnectivity is a quality that is fundamentally shaping our era. And given the complexity and scope of our challenges, and the fact that it is no longer possible to separate the environmental issues from the social and economic issues, the conservation community must adapt accordingly.
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Piloting the National Secretive Marshbird Monitoring Program
Secretive marsh birds in North America are poorly monitored by existing avian monitoring programs. Some marsh bird species are of conservation concern, some are open to sport harvest, and for all species their emergent marsh habitat has been in decline for decades.
Located in News & Events / Events
Atlantic Coast Joint Venture Human Dimensions Webinar
Have you been wondering what "human dimensions" has to do with bird conservation? Ashley Dayer of Cornell University will provide an overview of the field of human dimensions, from research to application.
Located in News & Events / Events
The Planning for Growth and Open Space Conservation Webinar Series
Session #10: Conservation Planning Tools for Land Use Planners and Natural Resource Professionals
Located in News & Events / Events
Providing the Science for Natural and Cultural Resource Adaptation to Climate Change
An Overview and Update of the National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center and the DOI Climate Science Centers
Located in News & Events / Events