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File PDF document EcoRegions.pdf
Located in Resources / General Resources Holdings / July Workshop 2012
File Ecosystem Services and Environmental Threats Scope of Work
The "Assessment and Inventory of Ecosystem Services and Environmental Threats" research project will deliver an inventory of existing ecosystem services assessments, products, and decision-support or visualization tools conducted within the Appalachian LCC boundary. The inventory will document and assess the classification, methodology used, describe priority ecosystem services and how they were identified, and provide economic valuations if available. Research will also involve a regional survey and workshops within our boundary to assemble a list of high priority economic goods and services and non‐monetized values and benefits that are dependent on Appalachia’s natural assets while identifying the associated resource that support these services and benefits (such as intact forests, clean rivers, etc.). Finally a geo‐referenced assessment of the location of key ecosystem services that are linked to specific priority economic products or uses will be developed. This will include assembling datasets and generating visualization-base maps that depict relevant natural assets and identify locations of key products and issues. This information would then be used to produce a spatial interpretation of areas within Appalachia that serve critical social and environmental functions, as well as identify those that are highly vulnerable to losses associated with key ecosystem stressors.
Located in Research / Ecosystem Benefits and Environmental Threats
File chemical/x-pdb Ecosystem Services and Threats Assessment
Knowing which ecosystem services are provided and who benefits from these services will allow resource managers, scientists, industries, and the public to explore new institutional, market, and policies to encourage protection of and investments in these resources. Objectives of this project are to 1) link the environmental and economic values of the region’s natural assets in a way that establishes a common language for resource managers, scientists, industry, local government and the public to substantively engage in landscape-level conservation planning and 2) to explore different development or management strategies and examine trade-offs to support improved and informed decision-making. A first step in determining the cumulative effects of stressors on Appalachian ecosystem integrity, functionality, and endemic or trust species, is having access to and appreciation of existing knowledge and data. A comprehensive status assessment will be conducted of pre-existing or ongoing work that could contribute to better understanding of individual or cumulative impacts, and further design of a landscape-scale assessment of environmental threats for the Appalachian LCC-defined landscape. The assessment will: (1) summarize existing threat assessment efforts of major stressors—including measures of ecosystems integrity, function, or sustainability, and identification of endemic species or trust species, (2) identify knowledge gaps and/or limitations to existing tools, methodology, and approaches, and (3) through a critical analysis and consultation based on expert-opinion, identify a framework and propose a process to facilitate the AppLCC systematically moving forward on a comprehensive threats assessment.
Located in Research / Ecosystem Benefits and Environmental Threats
Person Troff document (with manpage macros) Edelman, Andrew
Located in Expertise Search
The Eastern Interconnection States' Planning Council (EISPC) Energy Zones Mapping Tool is a free online tool that enables users to identify potential clean energy resource areas within the Eastern Transmission Interconnection. The tool includes nine types of energy resources to be considered for clean energy generation facilities in the U.S. portion of the Eastern Interconnection. These types are biomass, clean coal technologies with carbon capture and sequestration, geothermal, natural gas, nuclear, solar (photovoltaic and concentrated solar thermal, as well as rooftop photovoltaic solar), storage (pumped-hydro storage and compressed-air energy storage), water (hydroelectric power), and wind (both land-based and offshore). For each of these major categories, the resource data and information have been compiled, reviewed, and assembled into a GIS database. The Mapping Tool provides a way to put environmental data into the hands of energy planners and can be used by agencies or NGOs as a starting point for a dialog about their conservation objectives.
Located in Resources / / GIS & Planning / Other Conservation & Planning Tools
The Eastern Interconnection States' Planning Council (EISPC) Energy Zones Mapping Tool is a free online tool that enables users to identify potential clean energy resource areas within the Eastern Transmission Interconnection. The tool includes nine types of energy resources to be considered for clean energy generation facilities in the U.S. portion of the Eastern Interconnection. These types are biomass, clean coal technologies with carbon capture and sequestration, geothermal, natural gas, nuclear, solar (photovoltaic and concentrated solar thermal, as well as rooftop photovoltaic solar), storage (pumped-hydro storage and compressed-air energy storage), water (hydroelectric power), and wind (both land-based and offshore). For each of these major categories, the resource data and information have been compiled, reviewed, and assembled into a GIS database. The Mapping Tool provides a way to put environmental data into the hands of energy planners and can be used by agencies or NGOs as a starting point for a dialog about their conservation objectives.
Located in Planning In Practice / Conservation Planning Projects
Energy & Security Seminar: Climate Change: Understanding and Communicating the Science
Global climate change poses not only environmental haz-ards but profound risks to planetary peace and stability as well. Our ability to meet these challenges is handicapped by the fact that climate change science is relatively new and highly complex and that a significant number of Americans (23% in 2010) deny that there is such a phenomenon as global warming.
Located in News & Events / Events
File Energy Assessment News Release
A new study and online mapping tool by the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) and The Nature Conservancy are intended to inform discussions among conservation agencies and organizations, industry, policy makers, regulators and the public on how to protect essential natural resources while realizing the benefits of increased domestic energy production.
Located in Tools & Resources / Assessing Future Energy Development
Image Energy Forecast Banner
For Workspace
Located in Resources / / Images / Banners
Energy Forecast Mapping Tool Tutorial
This video presentation by Judy Dunscomb, Senior Conservation Scientist at The Nature Conservancy, provides a detailed overview of how to use the Energy Forecast Mapping Tool.
Located in Tools / Assessing Future Energy Development