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Can Landscape-scale Management Influence Insect Outbreak Dynamics
We hypothesized that landscape connectivity of host tree species increases forest susceptibility to insect pest damage. We evaluated this hypothesis for spruce budworm within a 6 million hectare “experimental” landscape at the international border between the Midwestern US and Canada, containing wilderness plus two contrasting harvest patterns (coarse vs. fine).
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Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Conference
The 2013 annual meeting of the Northeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (NEPARC) will be held at the New Jersey School of Conservation in Branchville, July 24-26.
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Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture Annual Meeting
There has been a substantial amount of activity within the EBTJV partnership over the last year and this will be a great opportunity for information dissemination, discussion, and input from all involved.
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Planning for Growth and Open Space Conservation Webinar Series
Conserving Private Lands in Perpetuity: Monitoring and Enforcement of Conservation Easements
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The Planning for Growth and Open Space Conservation Webinar Series
Forest Plan Revisions and the New Planning Rule: Considerations for all-lands and open space.
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File Agenda for Roundtable Discussion on Future of Federal Collaboration in Landscape-Scale Planning
Here is the full agenda to the meeting that is initializing a conversation about the future of federal agency collaboration in landscape-scale planning.
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Roundtable Discussion on The Future of Federal Agency Collaboration in Landscape-Scale Planning
The Landscape Conservation Cooperatives National Coordination Office, in partnership with federal agencies, has organized this initial conversation about the future of federal agency collaboration in landscape-scale planning. It is envisioned additional conversations will be necessary to fully explore agency interests and opportunities. It is recognized that the federal family does not work in isolation in landscape-scale planning. The intention is to broaden the conversation with states, other partners, and tribes in the future.
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Making Energy Work Conference
NC Sustainable Energy Association's 2013 Making Energy Work Conference offers unprecedented access to the latest information, solutions and technologies driving the success of North Carolina's renewable energy and energy efficiency businesses. Join hundreds of state and national clean energy leaders and embrace the chance to inspire strategies for continued growth.
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ARRI Mined Land Restoration Conference
The Conference will highlight reforestation efforts in the Appalachian Region and give recent findings and practice on improving reforestation success.
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The Planning for Growth and Open Space Conservation Webinar Series
Session #16: Strategic Conservation Planning and Partnerships: This program provides examples of strategic conservation planning by nonprofit groups using a variety of approaches, including partnerships. Resources and publications will be shared by the Land Trust Alliance, The Nature Conservancy, and a case study on Chicago Wilderness.
Located in News & Events / Events