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Appalachian Fire Conference 2013
This conference is designed for anyone with an interest in wildland fire in the Appalachian Region. It promises to be unique in its approach to sharing information. First, it is a conference about wildland fire in the Appalachians that is held in the Appalachians. Second, and equally unique, is that the conference is not a research symposium and it is not a managers meeting; it is both. The objective of the Consortium of Appalachian Fire Managers and Scientists and the Association for Fire Ecology is for fire managers and researchers to learn from each other so they can better understand problems specific to the highly diverse Appalachian Mountains and to work together to solve those problems.
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USFS Landscape Science Webinar
Mapping tropical forest type, age, disturbance type and vertical structure, and estimating young forest productivity, with Landsat imagery; Eileen Helmer, Research Ecologist, U.S. Forest Service.
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The Planning for Growth and Open Space Conservation Webinar Series
Planning for Climate Change Adaptation: Considerations for Forests, Wildlife, and Land Use
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Wetland Link International Webinar
The Association of State Wetland Managers is a member of Ramsar U.S. As a member we have been working with Wetland Link International to provide an opportunity for wetland education and interpretive centers in North America to have a common venue for sharing information and collaborating on issues of common concern.
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USFS Landscape Science Webinar
Predicting long-term wildlife effects across complex landscapes.
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Oak Woodlands & Forests Fire Consortium Webinar
Reconstructing pre-European fire regimes, forests and wildlife habitats in the eastern United States: Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky
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The Planning for Growth and Open Space Conservation Webinar Series
What planners need to know about planning for wildfire protection
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Gaining Support and Attracting Participation through Communication
EPA’s State and Local Climate & Energy Program will host a three-part webinar series on communications December 4, 11, and 18, 2013 from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. EST. The series will provide information on communications strategies and methods that state and local governments can use to ensure the ongoing success of climate and clean energy programs.
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Oak, Fire and Mesophication: Past, current and future trends of oak in the eastern United States
Fire has been a preeminent force over much of the eastern United States for multi-millennia. As such, pyrogenic vegetation types dominated this region in pre-European times, including oak, oak-pine, and pine savannas/woodlands/forests and tallgrass prairies.
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Energy & Security Seminar: Climate Change: Understanding and Communicating the Science
Global climate change poses not only environmental haz-ards but profound risks to planetary peace and stability as well. Our ability to meet these challenges is handicapped by the fact that climate change science is relatively new and highly complex and that a significant number of Americans (23% in 2010) deny that there is such a phenomenon as global warming.
Located in News & Events / Events