Fact Sheet: Stream Impacts
Assessing current and future water withdrawal scenarios to inform decisions for achieving sustainable water ows that meet human demands and sustain healthy ecosystems.
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Funded Projects
Stream Impacts from Water Withdrawals in the Marcellus Shale Region
Family Forestland Short-course: Focusing on Land Transfer to Generation "NEXT"
Please join us for a hands-on workshop with free legal guidance from professionals experienced in intergenerational land transfer and landowner testimonials of estate planning steps & strategies they have used.
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Farrell, Shannon
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Ferguson, Paige
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FHWA Sustainable Transport and Climate Change Newsletter
Prepared by the Office of Planning, Environment and Realty Federal Highway Administration.
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Conservation Newsletters
U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Office of Planning, Environment and Realty Newsletter
FHWA Sustainable Transportation and Climate Change Newsletter
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Figg, Dennis
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General Resources Holdings
July Workshop 2012
Finding the best science available on fire ecology and fire regimes in tallgrass prairie and oak woodland ecosystems
Managers and planners need scientifically sound information on historical fire regimes and contemporary changes in fuels and fire regimes in tallgrass prairie and oak woodland ecosystems to make informed management decisions.
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News & Events
Finfera, Jennifer
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