Foundational Research
The research and online mapping tool funded by the Appalachian LCC is part of The Nature Conservancy’s Development by Design approach. This approach brings sound science to reflect the big picture of current and future impacts of energy development on nature and natural resources across the Appalachians.
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Tools & Resources
Assessing Future Energy Development
Freshwater Mollusks Banner
Banner for the Freshwater Mollusks Work Group
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Froehlich, August
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Expertise Search
Front Cover_2
Cover of Work Plan
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Our Plan
5-Year Work Plan
Full Proposal - A Stream Classification System for the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative
The goal of this project is to develop a hierarchical classification for stream and river systems within the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC). This classification system will identify and consistently map ecologically similar types of rivers and streams using a flexible hierarchical set of geomorphic and hydrologic variables deemed appropriate for classification by the participating states and relevant to the spatial scale of management.
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LP Members
Aquatic Habitat Stream Classification Team
Background Project and Member Information
Full Proposal: Assessing Future Energy Development Across the Appalachian Mountains
Scientists will employ land use change build-out scenaria for future energy development demand to quantify future impacts on forest habitats across the Appalachian LCC. We propose to create maps of wind, oil and gas, and coal development potential for the entire study area and use these maps and published projections from federal and state land management agencies to model future build-out scenaria.
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LP Members
Energy Forcasts Team
Background Project and Member Information
Full Proposal: Interactive Conservation Planning
Using available data and modeling approaches that are well represented in the literature, researchers will develop conservation planning models that include site selection, threats, and connectivity analyses. These draft results will be presented to Steering Committee and then informed and refined by their feedback and other stakeholders. After each round of feedback, a revised conservation scenario will be produced. Draft conservation scenarios and associated products produced by each of these feedback rounds will be supplied to stakeholders with supporting documentation. Following 2-3 such feedback loops, conservation planning map products will be posted on the Portal.
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Interactive Conservation Planning TOT
Background Project and Member Information
Full SC Meeting & Workshop Notes, September 3-5, 2014
Full meeting notes.
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Past SC Meetings and Materials
Steering Committee Meeting & Workshop September 3-5, 2014
Funded Research and Science Products
A summary of all the Appalachian LCC funded research and project deliverables.
Located in
Past SC Meetings and Materials
SC Meeting, August 24-25, 2016
Funding Opportunities
An updated list of funding opportunities for projects pertaining to landscape conservation, climate change, and more.
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News & Events
Job Announcements and Funding