Reviewing Studies of Caves and Subterranean Biodiversity
A status review of studies from the cave and karst classification and mapping research project examined an array of research regarding cave environments, cave/karst biodiversity, and previous techniques for mapping and modeling such ecosystems.
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Acquiring Information on the Climate Vulnerability of Appalachian Species and Habitats
A new report out of the Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment research project addresses how the Cooperative should acquire information about the climate vulnerability of Appalachian species and habitats and share with its partners.
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Ensuring Climate Resilient Aquatic Communities
Partners of the Appalachian LCC presented the “Riparian Restoration Climate Change Resilience Tool” to the aquatic management and research community at the Annual Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture (EBTJV) meeting in early September.
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Steering Committee Advances the Cooperative’s Conservation Planning Process
Appalachian LCC Steering Committee Members and natural and cultural resource experts met at the National Conservation Training Center on September 3-5 to advance the Cooperative’s landscape planning initiative.
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LCC Coordinator is Invited Speaker at Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Commission Meeting
On October 30th, Dr. Jean Brennan was the invited speaker at the Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Commission meeting in Greenville, TN, where she presented an overview on the National LCC Network and an update on the work of the Appalachian LCC.
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AMJV Partnership Receives $8 Million RCPP Award to Enhance Cerulean Habitat
A project proposal from the Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture (AMJV) Partnership was one of 115 high-impact projects to receive in total more than $370 million as part of the new Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP), Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today.
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AppLCC and FWS Host Marxan Workshop
The Appalachian LCC and Virginia Field Office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service jointly hosted a two-day Marxan learning session on February 3rd and 4th, 2015 at the National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, West Virginia.
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New Study Looks at Future of Appalachian Energy Development
A new study and online mapping tool released by the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) and The Nature Conservancy are intended to inform discussions among conservation agencies and organizations, industry, policy makers, regulators and the public on how to protect essential natural resources while realizing the benefits of increased domestic energy production.
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Webinar on Riparian Restoration Tool showcases Appalachian LCC Science
On April 22, Appalachian LCC GIS Analyst and Information Manager Jessica Rhodes gave a webinar presentation to 80 resource managers, scientists, and conservationists during the “Safeguarding Wildlife from Climate Change” web series.
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