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Mary Davis
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NEAFWA Workshop: Applying Information and Tools from LCCs in the Northeast
On April 3, 2016, the Appalachian LCC and the North Atlantic LCC partnered to deliver a hands-on workshop for applying information and tools developed by LCCs in the northeast region.
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Tennessee River Valley Science Conference
Dr. Mary Davis, Appalachian LCC Assistant Coordinator, attended the Tennessee Valley Authority's (TVA) River Science Conference on April 11-12 at Montgomery Bell State Park near Burn, Tennessee.
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Applying LCC Tools to Issues Impacting the Keystone State
Pennsylvania is a landscape filled with abundant forests and wildlife, thousands of miles of rivers and streams, and home to a productive energy industry that includes the emergence of natural gas and alternative energy sources. Natural resource agencies and conservation organizations increasingly see the value for proactive science and tools that help inform decisions both locally and regionally in order to best protect and conserve the lands, waters, and wildlife of the state while harnessing resources that benefit society and the economy.
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Appalachian LCC Steering Committee Meeting
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"Ecosystem Benefits and Risks" Research and Website Support Natural Resource Management across the Appalachians
The Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) and the U.S. Forest Service are releasing products from the first phase of an ongoing study assessing benefits of and risks to the region's "ecosystem services" -- natural assets valued by people such as clean drinking water, outdoor recreation, forest products, and biological conservation.
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Tools and Resources for Addressing Energy Development in the Appalachians
On July 20, Jessica Rhodes of the Appalachian LCC gave an in-depth presentation to the Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture (AMJV) community on LCC-funded tools and resources that can address potential impacts of various energy development technologies on birds and other wildlife.
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Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership 2017 Call for Project Proposals
The Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership is currently accepting proposals to fund on-the-ground, aquatic habitat protection, restoration, and enhancement projects within the Ohio River Basin.
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Tennessee River Basin Biodiversity Network Meeting
The Tennessee River Basin Biodiversity Network (Network) is a collaborative effort of conservation interests that is focused on increasing the efficiency, effectiveness, and durability of conservation actions in streams and rivers of the region.
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Tennessee River Basin Network Agenda
Detailing presentations, discussions, and outcomes for the Tennessee River Basin Network Meeting.
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