Landfire Bulleting
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LANDFIRE Data Applications for Research in Fire Ecology and Forest Management
Brandon Collins is on deck for the second in a series of webinars that LANDFIRE is co-hosting with the California Fire Science Consortium. Scheduled for noon PT, the November 2 webinar will examine LANDFIRE data applications for research in fire ecology and forest management.
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Landfire Webinar Series
Assessing Needs - Understanding the recent and potential future threats to ecosystems is vital for prioritizing management activities in the Southeast.
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For AMJV Showcase Page
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LP Members
Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture
Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture Showcase
Landscape Conservation Cooperative FAQ
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General Resources Holdings
July Workshop 2012
Landscape Conservation Design Phase II: Assessing Aquatic Integrity
Over the last year, a coordinated series of consultations with experts across the region has resulted in priority aquatic species, habitats, and ecosystems into Phase II of the Appalachian LCC Landscape Conservation Design (LCD).
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Landscape Conservation Design: Initial Products and Expert Consultations for the Appalachian Mountains and Western River Basins
Over the last couple years, the Appalachian LCC has supported the development of a science-based, regional-scale design commonly called a “Landscape Conservation Design (LCD)” or “Conservation Blueprint”.
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Landscape Ecology Meeting
The US International Association of Landscape Ecology 2016 Annual Meeting will focus on “Landscape Change" and strives to capture the defining characteristic and the inherent nature of the modern world in the Anthropocene epoch.
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Landscape Photo in VA
For Workshops Page
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Landscape Planning
Image of land managers coordinating.
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Tools & Resources
Assessing Future Energy Development