Peterson, Christie
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Phone Interview Summary.pdf
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General Resources Holdings
July Workshop 2012
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General Resources Holdings
July Workshop 2012
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General Resources Holdings
July Workshop 2012
Photo Collage Energy Assessment
For Assessing Future Energy Development across the Appalachians.
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Tools & Resources
Assessing Future Energy Development
Pilgrim, Jay
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Expertise Search
Piloting the National Secretive Marshbird Monitoring Program
Secretive marsh birds in North America are poorly monitored by existing avian monitoring programs. Some marsh bird species are of conservation concern, some are open to sport harvest, and for all species their emergent marsh habitat has been in decline for decades.
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News & Events
Pine, Bill
Fish biologist with experience in quantitative methods, adaptive management, and experimental design.
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Planning for Growth and Open Space Conservation Webinar Series
In 2012, we embarked on a project to help inform natural resource professionals, land use planners, private landowners and others about the issues facing our forestlands – both public and private – and to help them learn about opportunities and strategies to conserve open space through a series of monthly webinars. Below is the archive of these webinars. We hope you find them interesting!
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Videos and Webinars
Planning for Growth and Open Space Conservation Webinar Series
Discussion on Federal Landscape Conservation Initiatives with overviews from the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Department of Defense.
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News & Events