AMJV Management Board Meeting
The AMJV Management Board meets twice a year to discuss the major issues, accomplishments, and future direction of the partnership.
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AMJV Partners Release Cerulean Warbler Best Management Practice Guide
Cerulean Warbler management guidelines for enhancing breeding habitat in Appalachian forests have been released.
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AMJV Partnership Receives $8 Million RCPP Award to Enhance Cerulean Habitat
A project proposal from the Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture (AMJV) Partnership was one of 115 high-impact projects to receive in total more than $370 million as part of the new Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP), Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today.
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AMJV Partnership Successes for Song Birds and Game Species
The benefits from managing habitat for game species and managing habitat for songbirds are not mutually exclusive. Creating and enhancing a variety of habitats supports a diversity of wildlife and activities, from birdwatching to hunting.
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AMJV Technical Committee Meeting
The AMJV Technical Committee meets once a year and helps to identify priority areas and actions to benefit priority birds.
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Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Conference
The 2013 annual meeting of the Northeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (NEPARC) will be held at the New Jersey School of Conservation in Branchville, July 24-26.
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Anderson, Mark
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Angel, Patrick
The Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative (ARRI) and Green Forests Work (GFW) are two regional initiatives created to reestablish healthy, productive forest habitat on active and mine scarred lands (legacy mines) in the eastern coal fields. ARRI’s and GFW's goals are to plant more high-value hardwood trees on old and new surface mines, increase the survival rates and growth rates of those trees, and to expedite the establishment of forest habitat through natural succession.
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Annual Report
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Publications & Outreach
Appalachian Conservation Heroes Retiring
This year we say goodbye to a number of individuals who were instrumental in the development and growth of landscape conservation in the Appalachians.
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