Schultz, Cynthia
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Schuttenberg, Heidi
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Schwartzman, Edward
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Scott Robinson: Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership
Coordinator Scott Robinson addresses the obstacles of data collection, preparation, and development and how the LCCs can help standardized this process for all partners to use that will help professionals implement conservation actions.
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Voices from the Community
Scott Smith: Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Wildlife Ecologist Scott Smith talks about the vital importance of the Appalachians for the survival of salamanders, how the LCCs can facilitate issues between jurisdictions, and help different agencies prioritize conservation efforts.
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Voices from the Community
SE Climate Science Center
Image for newsletter.
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News & Events
SEAFWA Conference
The annual conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies is a forum for the exchange of ideas and critical information regarding the management and protection of fish and wildlife resources primarily in the southeast.
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SECAS Leadership Team Meeting
The purpose of this meeting of the SECAS Leadership Team is to guide and support the continuing accomplishment of the SECAS initiative.
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SECAS Version 1.0 Provides Regional Long-term Vision for Conservation
Leaders from state fish and wildlife agencies and federal and non-governmental partners came together at the 2016 Southeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (SEAFWA) Conference to release Blueprint Version 1.0 of the Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy (SECAS).
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Sells, Danny
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