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File Best Management Practices for Golden-winged Warbler Habitat in Deciduous Forests of the Appalachians
This is a supplemental document that provides information on managing deciduous forests in the Appalachians to develop and restore habitat for Golden-winged Warblers. This guide should be used in conjunction with the Best Management Practices for Golden-winged Warbler Habitats in the Appalachian Region, which includes general information that applies to all habitat types in the Appalachian region.
Located in Information Materials / Fact Sheets / Golden-Winged Warbler Appalachians Fact Sheets
File Best Management Practices for Golden-winged Warbler Habitat on Minelands in the Appalachians
This is a supplemental document that provides information on managing minelands in the Appalachians to develop and restore habitat for Golden-winged Warblers. This guide should be used in conjunction with the Best Management Practices for Golden-winged Warbler Habitats in the Appalachian Region, which includes general information that applies to all habitat types in the Appalachian region.
Located in Information Materials / Fact Sheets / Golden-Winged Warbler Appalachians Fact Sheets
File Best Management Practices for Golden-winged Warbler Habitat on Abandoned Farmlands in the Appalachians
This is a supplemental document that provides information on managing abandoned farmlands in the Appalachians to develop and restore habitat for Golden-winged Warblers. This guide should be used in conjunction with the Best Management Practices for Golden-winged Warbler Habitats in the Appalachian Region, which includes general information that applies to all habitat types in the Appalachian region.
Located in Information Materials / Fact Sheets / Golden-Winged Warbler Appalachians Fact Sheets
File Best Management Practices for Golden-winged Warbler Habitat on Grazed Forestland and Montane Pastures in the Appalachians
This is a supplemental document that provides information on managing grazed forestland and montane pastures in the Appalachians to develop and restore habitat for Golden-winged Warblers. This guide should be used in conjunction with the Best Management Practices for Golden-winged Warbler Habitats in the Appalachian Region, which includes general information that applies to all habitat types in the Appalachian region.
Located in Information Materials / Fact Sheets / Golden-Winged Warbler Appalachians Fact Sheets
File Best Management Practices for Golden-winged Warbler Habitat on Utility Rights-of-way in the Appalachians
This is a supplemental document that provides information on managing utility rights-of-way in the Appalachians to develop and restore habitat for Golden-winged Warblers. This guide should be used in conjunction with the Best Management Practices for Golden-winged Warbler Habitats in the Appalachian Region, which includes general information that applies to all habitat types in the Appalachian region.
Located in Information Materials / Fact Sheets / Golden-Winged Warbler Appalachians Fact Sheets
File Best Management Practices for Golden-winged Warbler Habitat in Forest and Shrub Wetlands of the Appalachians
This is a supplemental document that provides information on managing forest and shrub wetlands in the Appalachians to develop and restore habitat for Golden-winged Warblers. This guide should be used in conjunction with the Best Management Practices for Golden-winged Warbler Habitats in the Appalachian Region, which includes general information that applies to all habitat types in the Appalachian region.
Located in Information Materials / Fact Sheets / Golden-Winged Warbler Appalachians Fact Sheets
File Octet Stream Golden-Winged Warbler Habitat: Best Management Practices for Forestlands in Maryland and Pennsylvania
This document presents management prescriptions to forestland managers interested in providing breeding habitat for Golden-winged Warblers through management actions associated with timber harvesting.
Located in Information Materials / Fact Sheets / Golden-Winged Warbler Appalachians Fact Sheets
File Best Management Practices For Golden-winged Warbler Habitats in the Great Lakes Region: A Guide for Land Managers and Landowners
This guide is intended to provide land managers and landowners with regional, habitat-specific strategies and techniques to begin developing and restoring habitat for Golden-winged Warblers. This document includes general information that applies to all habitat types in the Great Lakes region and should be used along with supplemental documents dedicated to the management of specific regional habitat types (deciduous forests, aspen parkland transition zone, abandoned farmlands, utility rights-of-way, forest and shrub wetlands) most important to Golden-winged Warblers.
Located in Information Materials / Fact Sheets / Golden-Winged Warbler Great Lakes/Canada Fact Sheets
File ECMAScript program Best Management Practices for Golden-winged Warbler Habitat in Deciduous Forests of the Great Lakes
This supplement for Deciduous Forests accompanies Best Management Practices for Golden-winged Warbler Habitats in the Great Lakes Region, which includes general information that applies to all habitat types in this area. Users should refer to both documents to develop a comprehensive management strategy for Golden-winged Warbler. The following are guidelines and not absolute rules for the creation of breeding habitat, thus prescriptions that fall outside the numerical ranges presented can provide habitat, too. Consult a Golden-winged Warbler or young forest habitat expert for assistance in tailoring a management plan to your property, and, if available, follow forest management guidelines for your state or province. Historically, young forest in this region was generated by natural disturbances such as wind, ice, insect outbreaks, flooding, beaver activity, and fire. Today, much habitat is created through commercial management of deciduous forests, which is the focus of this habitat guide. Deciduous forest management opportunities exist throughout the Great Lakes on public, private, and tribal lands.
Located in Information Materials / Fact Sheets / Golden-Winged Warbler Great Lakes/Canada Fact Sheets
File ECMAScript program Best Management Practices for Golden-winged Warbler Habitat on Utility Rights-of-way in the Great Lakes
Utility ROWs consist of long, linear corridors that are often managed in a way that can provide habitat for Golden-winged Warbler and other shrubland birds. Many landscapes within the Great Lakes region are traversed by extensive and growing networks of electric transmission lines and gas pipelines (Figure 1), and in some of these the utility corridors are the principal sites of extensive shrubland habitat. Only a small proportion of these utility ROWs are managed for Golden-winged Warbler; therefore, substantial opportunities exist to benefit this species while still meeting the vegetation management goals of utility companies and working within acceptable budgets.
Located in Information Materials / Fact Sheets / Golden-Winged Warbler Great Lakes/Canada Fact Sheets