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Climate Science Document Library 2010

Title Description
Sour Streams in Appalachia: Mapping Nature’s Buffer Against Sulfur Deposition Sulfur emissions are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency, but sulfuric acid that has leached into soil and streams can linger in the environment a...
Linked in: Connectiong Riparian areas to support Forest Biodiversity Many forest-dwelling species rely on both terrestrial and aquatic habitat for their survival. These species, including rare and little-understood amphibians ...
Forests in Decline: Yellow-Cedar Research Yields Prototype for Climate Change Adaptation Planning Yellow-cedar has been dying across 600 miles of North Pacific coastal rain forest—from Alaska to British Columbia—since about 1880. Thirty years ago, a ...
Rethinking Private Land Conservation in the Face of Climate Change: A California Case Study & Future Options This Article looks at how private land conservation may need to be rethought in the face of climate change, with a particular emphasis on the protection of biod...
Effect of Risk Aversion on Prioritizing Conservation Projects Agencies making decisions about what threat mitigation actions to take to save which species frequently face the dilemma of whether to invest in actions with hi...
Insect Responses to Major Landscape-Level Disturbance Keywords tolerance, dispersal, succession, local extinction, outbreak, population dynamics Abstract Disturbances are abrupt events that dramatically alter ha...
DO CARBON OFFSETS WORK? THE ROLE OF FOREST MANAGEMENT IN GREENHOUSE GAS MITIGATION As forest carbon offset projects become more popular, professional foresters are providing their expertise to support them. But when several members of the Soci...
A Reconstruction of Regional and Global Temperature for the Past 11,300 Years Surface temperature reconstructions of the past 1500 years suggest that recent warming is unprecedented in that time. Here we provide a broader perspective by ...
Does global warming favour the occurrence of extreme floods in European Alps? First evidences from a NW Alps proglacial lake sediment record Our record suggests climate warming is favouring the occurrence of high magnitude torrential flood events in high-altitude catchments.
Global diversity of drought tolerance and grassland climate-change resilience Drought reduces plant productivity, induces widespread plant mortality and limits the geographic distribution of plant species1–7. As climates warm and precip...
The Myth of Smart Growth “Smart growth” is an urban growth management strategy that applies planning and design principles intended to mitigate the impacts of continued growth. If p...
Projected increase in lightning strikes in the United States due to global warming Lightning plays an important role in atmospheric chemistry and in the initiation of wildfires, but the impact of global warming on lightning rates is poorly con...
Inhomogeneous forcing and transient climate sensitivity Understanding climate sensitivity is critical to projecting climate change in response to a given forcing scenario. Recent analyses1–3 have suggested that tra...
Energy consumption and the unexplained winter warming over northern Asia and North America The worldwide energy consumption in 2006 was close to 498 exajoules. This is equivalent to an energy convergence of 15.8 TW into the populated regions, where en...
Climate negotiations under scientific uncertainty How does uncertainty about “dangerous” climate change affect the prospects for international cooperation? Climate negotiations usually are depicted as a pri...
The temperature response of soil microbial efficiency and its feedback to climate Soils are the largest repository of organic carbon (C) in the terrestrial biosphere and represent an important source of carbon dioxide (CO2)totheatmosphere,rel...
Three decades of multi-dimensional change in global leaf phenology We show that the phenology of vegetation activity changed severely (by more than 2 standard deviations in one or more dimensions of phe- nological change) on 54...
Investment, transformation and leadership CDP S&P 500 Climate Change Report 2013 On behalf of 722 investors representing US$87 trillion in assets Sample text : Fears are increasing over future climate change impacts as we see more extreme weather events, Hurricane Sandy the most noted with damages totall...
Worldwide evidence of a unimodal relationship between productivity and plant species richness The search for predictions of species diversity across environmental gradients has challenged ecologists for decades. The humped-back model (HBM) suggests that ...