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Project Closing Remarks from the Spotlight on National Park Resources in the National Capital Region
Perry Wheelock- Associate Regional Director, Resource Stewardship and Science, NPS, National Capital Region
Located in National Park Service Spotlights / 2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources
Project Creating a Mobile Experience for the Explore Natural Communities Website
Judy Teague - Senior Ecologist, Allen Ansellmo - Software Engineer, Erin Jones - Vegetation Ecologist, Dave Hauver - Software Engineer Natureserve, Diane Pavek - Research Coordinator, Ann Gallagher - Science Education Coordinator, Urban Ecology Research Learning Alliance, NPS National Capital Region
Located in National Park Service Spotlights / 2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources
Project Determining the Appropriate Unit of Management Among Brook Trout Populations Exhibiting Prodigious Neutral Genetic Differentiation and Cryptic Metapopulations in the Chesapeake Bay Drainages with Emphasis on Catoctin Mountain Park
Tim King- Fishery Biologist (Genomics), U.S. Geological Survey, Leetown Science Center
Located in National Park Service Spotlights / 2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources
Project Gone but not Forgotten: Storer College
Elaine Eff- Former Director, Cultural Conservation Program, Maryland Historical Trust
Located in National Park Service Spotlights / 2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources
Project Integrating Cultural Resource Preservation Priorities at a Landscape Scale: Introduction to the collaborative research program being sponsored jointly by the NPS and Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Jean Brennan- Science Coordinator, Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC)
Located in National Park Service Spotlights / 2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources
Project text/texmacs Interactions Between Climbing Vines and Forest Edges Influence Tree Mortality in Mid-Atlantic Forests
Elizabeth Matthews - Botanist, Megan Nortrup - Science Communicator, John Paul Schmit - Quantitative Ecologist, J Patrick Campbell - Network Coordinator, NPS, National Capital Region Inventory and Monitoring Program
Located in National Park Service Spotlights / 2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources
Project Inventory of Rare Groundwater Invertebrates and Their Habitats in National Capital Parks East Parks
David Culver, Emeritus Professor, American University Department of Biology presented for Jenna Keany, Graduate Student American University Department of Environmental Science
Located in National Park Service Spotlights / 2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources
Project image/pict Japanese American Veterans Association Oral History Topic
Amber Cohen - Graduate Student, University of Maryland
Located in National Park Service Spotlights / 2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources
Project Joint Influence of Deer Management and an Invasive Grass on Tree Seedling Establishment at Catoctin Mountain Park
John Paul Schmit- Quantitative Ecologist, NPS, National Capital Region Inventory and Monitoring Program
Located in National Park Service Spotlights / 2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources
Project Octet Stream Mapping Potential Wetland Habitat Throughout the C&O Canal National Historical Park using Remote Sensing and GIS-based Data
Lance Bragin - Graduate Student, Hood College, Environmental Biology Program
Located in National Park Service Spotlights / 2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources