B.S.-Wildlife Management, WV University. 33 years public service in water resource issues. Last decade specializing in headwater stream ecology. Authored several watershed assessment reports, using field data on habitat, water chemistry, and biota. Added bird research and terrestrial habitat restoration to my activity list since 2005. Hobbies include living history of 18th century and prehistoric Americans, fishing, hunting, herpetology, birding, and hiking trail development.
Benthic Macroinvertebrates
Small mammals
Large and game mammals
Terrestrial Plants - Rare or endemic
River/stream ecology
Wetland ecology
Early successional forest
Lowland/mesic forests
Upland/mixed forest
Disturbance-dependent communities (e.g., fire-dependent forests, etc.)
Agro ecosystems
Aquatic systems/resources (incl. instream flow)
Population biology and demographics (incl. biometrics/biostatistics)
Rivers/Streams - Instream Habitat
Rivers/Streams - Streambank/Riparian
Forest/natural cover management, restoration
Open grassland and shrub/natural cover management, restoration
Aquatic Invasive animal
Terrestrial Plant pest/pathogen/disease
Watershed and water delivery management (dams, reservoirs) (incl. dam removal/fish passage)
Cultural landscapes
Recreational planning/use
Energy development (coal)
Energy development (natural gas)
ESA (threatened and endangered species)
Clean Water
(Assessing) Ecosystem services and Environmental Benefits (non-monetized)
Environmental education, interpretation, and educational outreach
History/Cultural Research
Appalachia (Cultural Communities)
Coal Mining Communities
Farming/Ranching Communities
Rural Communities
Recreational Industry
Ozark/Ouachita-Appalachian Forests
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